Casting Bonds: Father and Son Gayle and Kirk Lomax

Gayle and Kirk Lomax at Anglers Inn Lake El Salto Mexico

Pete’s love of fishing wasn’t because his dad loved fishing, but his dad did take him and that’s what built up his passion. Pete says he remembers going out on a Chesapeake Bay charter boat with his friends and their dads -- when everyone else stopped down for lunch he didn’t eat. He simply could not put down his rod (perhaps I need to say – he couldn’t stop fishing).

In 1995, after Pete’s law school graduation, he visited Costa Rica with his dad. For Pete it was about the fishing, but for Dad it was about the bond. It warms my heart when I book father and son trips. I have decided to start a series called “Casting Bonds” to interview parent/child angling travelers. Remember: as you’ll see over time it’s not just dads, and not just sons.

Let’s start with Gayle and Kirk Lomax who traveled to Anglers Inn El Salto in April 2024 and had a fabulous trip.

HPFC: What inspired you to plan a fishing trip to Anglers Inn together?

Gayle Lomax: Many years ago, I introduced my son to the joy of fishing. We have been known to wade waist deep around cattails during spawning season. We graduated up to a small two-man fishing boat and we traveled around small lakes and loved to explore the art of bass fishing. My son, Kirk, took to it like a duck to water. He never tired of the experience. After he graduated from high school and went to college, got married and had children, the opportunities just didn’t avail themselves. As I enter my golden years, it was a natural desire to experience that special moment one more time.

HPFC: Who proposed the idea of a fishing trip – father or son?

Gayle Lomax: I proposed the idea of a father-son trip with 100% encouragement from my wife.

Kirk Lomax: When you are asked to go on a fishing trip with your 81 year old dad you jump at the chance.

HPFC: How old are each of you and how long have you been fishing together?

Kirk Lomax: My Dad is 81 and I’m 56. We’ve been fishing since I was a little kid and we would go to our local lake and wade fish from the bank. As he said, later on Dad bought a little two man bass boat and we would go fishing together whenever we could.

HPFC: How did you decide to go to Anglers Inn for your fishing trip?

Gayle Lomax: A buddy of mine, Wade Bibbee, put me onto El Salto and Anglers Inn. Once I contacted Hanna she took it from there. She made it as easy as off the water as it was on the water.

HPFC: What preparations did you make before heading out for the trip?

Gayle Lomax: Since it’s been many years since I seriously fished, you can imagine my surprise when I went to a tackle shop and saw the new lures. Wade did some coaching but my son was the research expert and we began the tedious process of lure collection.

Kirk Lomax: I did a lot of research, Hanna! I read all your articles on the “Ultimate Fishing Guide.” I ordered most of my tackle on your El Salto tackle list. I knew the tackle shop at the lodge was pretty sparse, so I made sure we had all the tackle we needed for our trip.

HPFC: Did you have any specific goals or expectations for the fishing trip?

Gayle Lomax: I wanted to catch a lot of fish which to me was about 20 a day. I also wanted to land a big one. We estimated that we caught 60 fish a day easy and we did land the big one.

Kirk Lomax: I didn’t want to set my expectations too high, but I certainly was wanting a PB and a lot of numbers and we achieved both of those goals.

HPFC: Did you learn anything more on this trip about each other or about fishing techniques?

Gayle Lomax: Kirk and I are extremely close, so I didn’t need to learn anything new about my son. I did however learn new techniques from our guide, Juan Rodriquez.

Kirk Lomax: Yes, our guide Juan instructed me how to get crankbaits down deep in a hurry and then slow the roll when you’re feeling the bottom.

HPFC: Can you share any interesting or memorable moments from your time on the trip?

Gayle Lomax: It should be noted that our guide, Juan, would make it as a stand- up comedian. Cannot say enough nice things about that young man.

Kirk Lomax: Our guide Juan is such a comedian and showed us how to open a Pacifico using a plastic bottle. Dad and I each caught our PB -- Dad a 10.8 and me an 8.8, so that was awesome. Our last afternoon on the water might have been the most memorable. The bite was slow and Juan finally found the fish schooling and feeding in the main river channel. For 50 minutes, we were catching doubles and triples almost every cast. It was amazing.

HPFC: How did the father-son dynamic influence your fishing experience?

Gayle Lomax: What a joy it was for me to see my son demonstrate over and over the skills that he has as a fisherman. There is something so rewarding for any parent to see his children be successful.

Kirk Lomax: My Dad and I are very close and it was great to experience El Salto with him.

HPFC: Were there any challenges you faced during the trip, and how did you overcome them?

Gayle Lomax: At age 81, I find it difficult to stand up from a low sitting position, therefore Juan and Kirk were always there to have a hand in getting me up.

Kirk Lomax: My dad had some difficulty getting out of the low level boat seats to stand up, Juan and I were able to get him up, so it really wasn’t too challenging.

HPFC: Did the fishing trip strengthen your bond as father and son?

Gayle Lomax: No, our bond is very strong.

Kirk Lomax: No, not really. Dad and I are extremely close, and always have been.

HPFC: Did you catch any remarkable fish or have any exciting encounters with wildlife?

Gayle Lomax: Both Kirk and I were able to catch our personal best bass. Kirk caught one 8 lb. 3 oz and I caught a 10 lb. 8oz.

Kirk Lomax: We saw lots of beautiful wildlife and Juan would take time and point out the different bird species on the lake. We both caught our personal bests.

HPFC: Were there any funny or lighthearted moments that occurred during your trip?

Gayle Lomax: As mentioned before, Juan kept us laughing during the day. One such time was when Juan asked Kirk “Are you fishing there?” Kirk said yes and Juan said “Good” and he threw his lure on top of Kirk’s. I laughed for 5 minutes.

Kirk Lomax: Juan is so funny and kept us constantly laughing. He would show us his trick how to open a Pacifico bottle with a plastic bottle. There was also a time when I was catching a bunch of fish and Juan would ask where I was casting and then quickly cast Dad’s bait right on top of me. It was funny.

HPFC: What did you enjoy most about the fishing trip? Doesn’t have to be about the fishing.

Gayle Lomax: So many things to mention here; the courtesy and friendliness of the Anglers Inn staff with Kiki coming immediately to mind. Rooms were always clean and the laundry service is a real plus. But the beauty of the sun going down and reminiscing about the events of the day with your son was the real treat.

Kirk Lomax: Doesn’t have to be about the fishing. Spending quality time with my Dad and catching more bass than I’ve ever caught before.

HPFC: What advice would you give to other fathers and sons who are considering a fishing trip to Anglers Inn?

Gayle Lomax: My biggest regret is that I didn’t do this when my arthritis was in check and my health and strength were stronger. My advice to other fathers is do it now, not later in life.

Kirk Lomax: I would advise them not to hesitate and book the trip now. You never know what tomorrow will bring. And take your Dad!!


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