How’d You Meet Your Angler? – Life With Mercer

Dave and Sarah Mercer Wedding PIcture

Do you remember that one obnoxious kid in every class? He’s loud and the teacher is always shushing him? I’m pretty sure that was Dave Mercer

And of course there’s always the sweet, laid back, soft spoken counterpart – that was Sarah Mercer

So in true “opposites attract” fashion, of course they got married. Dave is the one onstage, but Sarah has a story of her own to tell. Here’s how they met and what it’s like living with a big personality.

HPFC: Can you share the story of how you and your husband first crossed paths?

Sarah Mercer: We actually first met in elementary school in Grade 5. He was a loud, obnoxious kid that would stand on top of the desk and pretend he was Hulk Hogan -- his favorite wrestler. I was a quiet student that would get so annoyed when he would disrupt the class. He bothered me by being loud and I bothered him for being quiet and a teacher’s pet lol. After Grade 8 he moved away and we didn’t see each other again until we were 20 years old. We both had changed a lot – he wasn’t as annoying and looked really good and he says I “developed.” lol We started talking and became really good friends. We stayed close friends, talking nearly every day for the next six years.

HPFC: What were your initial impressions or your husband when you first met him?

Sarah Mercer: As I mentioned before, Dave was really outgoing, loud, entertaining and always making the kids laugh -- even the teachers when he wasn’t getting into trouble. He was basically what you see on stage except a lot younger and even more hyper! Every year he killed it during the class public speaking contests as you could imagine and I was basically the complete opposite. I dread the public speaking and any attention at all.

HPFC: Did you know anything about fishing when you first met?

Sarah Mercer: I had fished a few times with my dad, uncle and grandpa but really didn’t know much about it and I had no idea of the professional or competitive side of it. At the time we got together, Dave actually worked as a bartender at night just so he could fish and compete in fishing tournaments during the day. Once again, I was the opposite. I worked at an investment firm in downtown Toronto. So needless to say I knew nothing about the sport!

HPFC: Was there a specific moment that made you realize your feelings were more than just friendship?

Sarah Mercer: Dave knew from day one that we would be together. We were both in long-term relationships at the time but after five years, it wasn’t an exact moment that I can think of but we just realized that we were best friends and wanted to spend every day together. He was actually engaged to someone else, and I would joke with him that I would be the person that would stand up and not let it happen. I guess I realized that I didn’t want him to get married to anyone else.

HPFC: How long have you been married?

Sarah Mercer: We have been married for 22 years this past February. Yes, a winter wedding because I love winter and of course it’s the off-season for fishing. We also got married on 02-02-02 so he could never forget the date!

HPFC: When you met, what was he doing in the fishing industry?

Sarah Mercer: He was a bartender and fishing tournaments and was filming a short fishing show when we got together. It wasn’t until we were married a year and I had a good job that we decided he should quit bartending and start his fishing career fulltime. We just bought a house and didn’t have any kids or other responsibilities so what better time than that?

HPFC: How did the two of you come to terms with him going out and living his dream?

Sarah Mercer: We decided that he should just go for it fulltime and see what happens. There aren’t too many times in your life that you can just let go of a steady income and security and put it all in to your passion. Dave is pretty tenacious and is so smart when it comes to creative ideas and presenting to people to make them see his visions. We were like, let’s just try it and see what happens.

HPFC: What challenges or obstacles did you have to work through?

Sarah Mercer: The challenges we had at first were just financially keeping everything going until his full-time fishing became successful and consistent. Fortunately, it didn’t take too long.

HPFC: How do you manage the frequent separation and limited time together due to his on the road schedule?

Sarah Mercer: Dave didn’t go on tour like the elites but he did fish a tournament circuit in Canada that took him away for weeks at a time. I would go with him to pre-fish and watch the weigh-in sometimes. Other times, I would stay back and hang out with his mom for the weekend. She was so much fun to hang out with. I got lucky that I loved spending time with my mother-in-law. When we had Cadance (our first born) Dave transitioned from competing in tournaments to emceeing them for a circuit in Canada. I would take Cadance to see him emcee and watch the event when it wasn’t too far away. She loved watching him on stage and still does to this day. Both of our kids do.

HPFC: How do you adjust when your husband returns home after being away for weeks at a time?

Sarah Mercer: The thing with Dave is that yes, he is away for B.A.S.S. events for a week or sometimes two weeks at a time. BUT when he is home, he is home with us, hanging out and just being with us. The only time he leaves us when he is home is when he goes to film his fishing show. He really has two full time jobs but as a family, we have learned to adapt to different schedules. When he is away, I get the kids out and about so when he is home, they love just being home all together. We are so fortunate to live on the lake and just fish from shore or hop in the boat for a quick trip out after dinner. Dave would even take the kids out before school. They love that!

HPFC: Are there any activities or special events that you and your husband enjoy doing when you are together after he has been gone all season?

Sarah Mercer: Dave and I do make time to spend together a priority. It’s important to keep connected and we are honestly each other’s best friend. We just love to hang out. Whether we are home sitting outside watching the lake or watching UFC, football or a series together, we make the time. If we can, we do love to go to Jamaica for 4-5 days. We also love taking the kids to the Florida Keys for a week and just enjoy everything we can.

HPFC: Do you have any pet peeves?

Sarah Mercer: Pet peeves about Dave? The only real thing I can think of is how he organizes his stuff. I like things in order, everything has a place. For Dave, to me it’s a mess. Stuff is everywhere but he knows exactly where everything is! That would be my biggest pet peeve! I will organize his shop, put tackle away, organize his workbench, desk, etc. It is all neat, tidy and he comes home and it looks great but he can’t find anything lol!

HPFC: What do you think your husband’s pet peeves are of you?

Sarah Mercer: Oh boy – there are plenty! I am always rushing everything and I don’t always hear what he says. So I often forget to do something. I think those are the big ones. He might say something different though

HPFC: What are your retirement plans?

Sarah Mercer: We often talk about moving to a small place on the beach in the Keys producing some sort of fishing content. That seems pretty far off right now as our kids are still at home and we are enjoying everything we have going on right now. Definitely doing something though – neither of us can sit still for long.

HPFC: What is something off the wall that no one knows about the two of you.

Sarah Mercer: The only thing I can think of is people are usually shocked how long we have known each other for – that we met in Grade 5 and did not like each other at all!

Dave and Sarah Mercer picture collage

How’d You Meet Your Angler? – Felicia and Hunter Shryock


 Randi and Darold Gleason - How’d You Meet Your Angler?