The People Who Inspire our Adventures
Through fishing we have met some unforgettable characters, and we want you to know them, too.
Paul Fisler’s El Salto Personal Best Largemouth
Check out the video of our good friend Paul Fisler catching his PB from the back of MY boat. How does it feel to catch a ten pounder?Let’s hear it from the horse’s mouth. Here’s Paul’s story, in his own words.
El Salto Makes for Big Memories – Three More Personal Best Largemouth Bass
Big Dreams, Big Expectations, No Disappointments. That’s the El Salto promise. I’ve already detailed how two of our lady anglers notched new personal bests on our recent trip, but now it’s the guys’ turn. Jimmy Keller, Brian Saari and Adam Cherry, three Wisconsin tournament anglers, all crushed their previous PBs.
Que Sara Sara! Two Wisconsin PBs in Mexico
Two new female friends from Wisconsin caught their personal best largemouths on our recent trip to Anglers Inn Lake El Salto. Read how they did it — and why they’re coming back.