Big Baits, Big Expectations: Join Us at Swimbait Universe’s “The Gathering”

Swimbait Universe Gathering 4 2022 in Virginia

[UPDATED: August 18, 2022]

So far in 2022 I’ve been fishing in Mexico twice, as well as in Guatemala and in the Florida Keys. I have an upcoming trip to Table Rock, another to Panama, and might try to squeeze in a long weekend in Texas – and yet the trip that I have circled most brightly on the calendar is nowhere near as far away as any of them. In fact, it’s only 2 ½ hours down the road (well, three if I get stuck in that awful I-95 traffic) to the dot-on-the-map of Lanexa, Virginia.

It's for the fourth edition of The Gathering, organized by the crew of Swimbait Universe, an event my friend Mike Bucca calls “the ICAST of swimbait fishing.” I’ve missed the first three – either out of town or otherwise occupied – but when I saw that I had no conflicts I blocked out the time and started taking on extra writing jobs so that I’d be able to afford a few coveted swimbaits.

I also called Wayne Campbell and Chad Meenan, two of the Universe administrators, to find out more.

What is it?

As noted above, The Gathering is a get-together devoted to all things swimbaiting and swimbait-adjacent. Since being started in 2019, it has grown every year, up to about 500 attendees last year and an ever-growing number of exhibitors. It’s also where many of the rarest or most-coveted manufacturers and retailers introduce their new products, thus the comparison to ICAST.

When is it?

The main event – the consumer show – is on Saturday, September 24, 2022. The gates will open at 11am. Expect the hard core attendees to line up early. If you are among them, please be respectful of sleeping campers.

Where is it?

As in past years, The Gathering is being held at Rockahock Campground in Lanexa, right on the shores of the famous Chickahominy River, which connects into the James River.

What does it cost?

The entry fee will be $10 per person (CASH ONLY). Kids under 12 are free. Rockahock will not be collecting parking fees at the gate. The first 150 people through the door (1 per household) will receive a Swimbait Universe cinch bag and other assorted goodies.

Will there be food?

Yes. Meal tickets will be $10 and can be purchased at the Universe table. You may also receive a free meal ticket with the purchase of $75 or more in raffle tickets.

Where should I stay?

Rockahock campground has a variety of options, including houses, cabins, RV spaces and tent spaces. Because this event is already well-established, most or all of the prime spaces may already be reserved. If that’s the case, there are other campgrounds, B&Bs, AirBnBs and other options nearby, as well as at least one boat-friendly motel on the Chickahominy. Slightly further away, Williamsburg has a seemingly endless array of lodging options at a wide range of price points.

How do I get there?

The best way is to drive, and the campground is just a short way off of Highway 64, a major east-west thoroughfare. There is a small airport in Williamsburg as well as a slightly larger one in Richmond, VA, about a half hour away. There are larger airports like Washington-Dulles and Washington-Reagan a few hours away. There is also Amtrak and bus service to Richmond and Williamsburg, although you’ll have to figure out a way to get to the event from there.

Who will be there?

Seriously, you may never see more swimbait artistes and fanatics in one place than you will at this event. Big bait freaks have come to past Gatherings from all over the country. Look at the banner in the gallery below – that’s a past list of exhibitors and they’re expecting to have even more this year.

Selection custom painted swimbaits and glide baits from Bull Shad

How will I pay for those expensive lures?

How you get the money is up to you – feel free to donate blood or work the pole if that’s what it takes. But once you have it secured (legally and ethically) you’ll probably want to bring cash. Some of the vendors will take credit card payments via Square or another app, but your best bet is to bring green paper. As far as I can tell there is no ATM at Rockahock – the closest one looks to be at a gas station a little bit under 3 miles away.

What else is there to do?

While the main event takes place on Saturday, you’re not just limited to that day. There will also be a swimbait-only tournament on Sunday, precise rules and details to be determined. You can’t be on the water on Saturday if you wish to compete, but the days prior are wide open and the James/Chick are solid and scenic fisheries. Both BASS and MLF have held major events there in recent years with impressive catches. Apparently there is also a healthy dose of socializing at the campground in the evenings.

What if my family wants to come but they don’t care about swimbaits?

Are you related to a bunch of bedwetting communists? Seriously, your wife and three-year-old don’t want to spent the day discussing the merits of various rotating hook hangers? Well, you’re in luck. There’s lots to do near Lanexa, which is just a stone’s throw from Colonial Williamsburg and historic Jamestown. The Busch Gardens amusement park is also located nearby, as is a Great Wolf Lodge water park.

Swimbait Universe Gathering at Rockahock Campground Lanexa VA

Why should I go?

I haven’t been yet, so I can only speculate, so I turned to Wayne and Chad to get their take on it:

Wayne: It’s a chance to see and meet the people you only get to know online – major players like Pizz and Phoney and Mike Bucca, as well as up-and-comers who might make a switch flip for you. We’ve worked hard to expand beyond just the well-known builders and it’s amazing how often people end up buying from guys they wouldn’t have expected to buy from. The great thing is that anybody and everybody is welcome. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t hesitate to come up, shake hands and introduce yourself.

Chad: It’s all about the atmosphere, the ability to learn, and to make connections with people you’ve only seen online. You can ask builders directly about their baits and hang out with likeminded people. There are great door prizes, too – nearly every kid walks away with something. Mostly it’s about the camaraderie. Especially if you’re from a place where it seems like nobody is throwing swimbait, this show takes it to another level. There are also one-off and special releases that you cannot get anywhere else.

Shopping Tips?

Chad: Be there early and be in line. Last year people were lined up at 6am, even before we were there. It pays to know where you want to go, to have your top items identified and make them your priority.

Wayne: A lot of builders will be selling hype baits that you’ll see a lot of people running for. Check out the previews of stuff online, which can still make it a tough selection process because it’s kind of a free for all. But figure out through those previews what you really want. Bucca is pretty notorious for dropping new stuff at The Gathering, so make sure you know what you want.

Are there items other than swimbaits at The Gathering?

You probably won’t find Wonder Mops or a Worm Bar like you see at the typical offseason boat show, but it’s not just entirely hard baits. There are also rods, of course, and accessories, as well as swimbait-related clothing. For example, Paul Smith of Pizz also owns Slaunch Mob and usually brings a hefty supply of apparel with him. Campbell said that the coolest thing he’s acquired has been a custom wooden measuring board filled with epoxy to look like a lake – a functional piece of art.

Custom wood and epoxy big bass measuring board

Are there still display tables left?

Yes, there are a handful of vendor spaces left, at $100 for a basic table.

How do I find out more?

Go to the Swimbait Universe Facebook page. If you have questions, the administrators will be happy to answer them privately or you can ask in a public post.

What if I can’t make it?

Bad idea, Jack. You need to go whether you’re a hard core big bait freak or a newbie like me. Nevertheless, I understand if you can’t. After all, I missed the first three via some semi-lame excuses. Last year some of the vendors who had remaining stock after the show sold them via social media. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t make it, but if you’re craving a particular glide or rat it may feel like it.


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