The Travel Blog
Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.
Are You Ready for 2025 Fishing Travel?
Because we are incessant planners, the Robbins crew has already filled out our 2025 calendar. There are always little travel-related issues that crop up and create mini-crises each year, but we try to minimize those problems with pre-planning. Here are 12 tasks you can undertake to make your travel as seamless as possible.
Fishing Travel News and Tidbits – February 2022
We know that many of you come here for original hardcore fish stories and gear recommendations, and we try to provide plenty of that, but we also scour the web for fishing-related news every day – and in particular, news that will inspire or help traveling anglers. Here’s a list of links we’ve found recently that might get your ass out of the chair and on the water.
Five South American Fishing Trips that Keep Me Up at Night
I’ve now been to South America four times but I’ve never left the friendly confines of Brazil. I went to Rio de Janeiro as a teenager (no fishing), and over the past decade I’ve been to the Rio Negro region twice, along with an exceptional trip to Rio Juruena. That needs to change. Here are five more that are currently at the top of my list.