The Travel Blog
Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.
Resource Guide to David, Panama
The city of David is our gateway to the great fishing in the Gulf of Chiriqui, but if you’re looking to make it a longer layover — or possibly even a retirement spot — here are some resources to get your research started.
Why We’re Going to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge Next MAY
Our fourth trip to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge will take place in May of 2024 — timed to coincide with great weather and the heart of the yellowfin tuna popping season. Don’t miss it if you love big fish on topwaters.
An April/November Romance With Panama
When the opportunity arose to fish at Sport Fish Panama Island lodge for a second time in the same year, I was a bit nervous. Honestly, our April adventure in Panama was life-changing, so I knew that the potential was there, but I had no idea if the fishing in November would be anywhere as good. Here's a trip report.
You Have No Excuses to Avoid Fishing Panama
While some friends have been wowed by our tales and pictures of our initial trip to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge, others who I know would love it have been oddly resistant. Here are their primary excuses and my responses. The long and the short of it — you need to go!
Kodachrome Moments in Panama
We can capture our trips with photography like never before, but the benefit of travel is imbibing those experiences with all five senses. Until you’ve watched a lion dissect a cape buffalo from close-up, or stood in front of the Coliseum in Rome, or had bears traipse past you while you’ve fished at Brooks Falls, you’ve only lived part of the experience. That’s why Panama was so enlightening for me.