The Travel Blog

Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.

Travel Pete Robbins Travel Pete Robbins

Four More Mexican Dream Fishing Trips

Other than the United States, Mexico is the country that I’ve fished in the most. My Spanish hasn’t gotten much better, but my appreciation for the natural resources and the diverse cultures within the country has grown exponentially. I’d like to see more of it. I’d like to eat more of their food. I’d most definitely like to catch more of their fish. Here are a few places that I need to check out.

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Travel Pete Robbins Travel Pete Robbins

Eleven Travel Notes from El Salto

Every time we go to Mexico I learn or relearn certain things, or get an opportunity to test out new products and theories. This may seem like a bunch of disconnected mumbo-jumbo, but I’m hoping that some of you can benefit from my experiences. Here are eleven notes from our June 2021 trip, in no particular order.

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