The Travel Blog

Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.

Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Why We Go to El Salto in May and June

Friends are often surprised to hear that we go to Mexico during the warmer months. Indeed, there are several prejudices working against making such a trip. You may be giving up a few days of exceptional fishing at home, but in all but a few instances it’s likely to be better South of the Border.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Fishing Your Last Morning at Anglers Inn

Since most of the year you can be on the water before 6am, if your package includes a last-day half-day, that gives you plenty of time to fish – if you take a few steps to make it happen.

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Hanna Robbins Hanna Robbins

The Daily Routine at Anglers Inn International (Mexico)

A day at Anglers Inn is designed to start before sunrise and end after sunset, making every minute count. It’s packed with full glasses, full bellies, lots of stories, plenty of camaraderie and, well of course, FISH….lots of them.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Anglers Inn: Service is Our Focus

Anglers Inn President Billy Chapman Jr. knows he can’t control the fishing, even on the best waters in the world, so he makes an effort to exceed expectations in any way that he does have control over. He doesn’t tolerate employees who don’t buy into that game plan, and it shows. Everyone who stays around is constantly hustling.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Is it Safe to Fish in Mexico During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Despite what some people claimed would happen, the COVID-19 did not abate after election day. In fact, as Hanna and I prepared to leave for Anglers Inn Lake El Salto on the ominous date of Friday the 13th (of November), numbers were surging throughout the United States. Friends and family members expressed concern over our decision to persevere with our planned weeklong vacation, and truth be told we were a bit worried ourselves.

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Travel Pete Robbins Travel Pete Robbins

Preparing for Your Return to Anglers Inn (Before You Leave)

Well over 80 percent of Anglers Inn’s business consists of repeat customers. In our trips down there we see many of the same people over and over and over again, some of whom have been coming for over 20 or 30 years and visit up to five times per year. So if before you depart you’ve already decided that you want to return, you should start preparing ASAP. Prime dates get booked up quickly, and particularly in the era of COVID lots of rescheduling filled them up ever earlier than usual for 2021.

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Travel Pete Robbins Travel Pete Robbins

Fishing at Anglers Inn on Arrival Day

Many of the fishing packages offered by Anglers Inn include a half day on the water, either on the day you arrive or the day you depart. For a variety of reasons, it’s most likely to occur on the front end, if at all. If you’re already in Mazatlán, it may not be a problem to arrive in time for lunch and a full afternoon session, but if your plane arriving and you’re headed straight to the lake, you’ll need to be efficient if you want to make it count.

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