The Travel Blog
Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.
Fishing Travel Lessons from Other Expensive and Oversized Sports Luggage
We’ve offered you lots of pieces about how to choose the best rod tubes, how to pack them, and how to protect and preserve your other valuable fishing gear for air travel. For the most part we’ve been lucky about getting it home unscathed. Still, we’re always on the lookout for more advice, so we’ve turned to other sports.
Packing a Fishing Rod Tube Properly for Airline Travel
You’ve saved for your bucket list vacation, acquired all of the necessary gear and the luggage to get it there. The forecast is perfect, the flight gets off without a hitch, but when you arrive at the baggage claim it’s the nightmare scenario. Either your rod tube doesn’t arrive or its contents are destroyed. Here’s how to avoid that nightmare scenario.
Eleven Travel Notes from El Salto
Every time we go to Mexico I learn or relearn certain things, or get an opportunity to test out new products and theories. This may seem like a bunch of disconnected mumbo-jumbo, but I’m hoping that some of you can benefit from my experiences. Here are eleven notes from our June 2021 trip, in no particular order.
Mistakes, I’ve Made a Few (2020 Review)
While not all problems can be eliminated, the more seamless you make your journey, the more likely you are to be able to remember the highs and forget the lows. Developing the site has also forced us to think critically about our own practices, and to work to control the things that we can control.
Do Not Fly List: These Items Should NOT Go in Your Checked Fishing Luggage
If you’re flying to an epic fishing trip, in most circumstances you’ll have to check a bag at some point. While TSA does provide some vague guidance allowing for hooks to be in your carry-on luggage, ultimately the US government, foreign governments and individual airlines will interpret the regulations differently. Also, remember that TSA has the final word in America, but when you’re on foreign soil you’re playing by a whole different set of rules.