The Travel Blog
Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.
Half Past First Cast 2022 End-of-Year Travel Notes
Another solid travel year for the Half Past First Cast team. Judging by our social media feeds you’d think we were gone all the time, but to me it felt like we were home more than usual. Here are a few stats, notes and tidbits to tidy up the end of year accounting.
Fishing Travel Starts With a Full Inbox
If you’re like me, you already get way too much email: Work emails, chain letters from friends, unsolicited messages promising Russian brides and harder boners. No matter how many times you avoid them or press “unsubscribe” they always seem to return, and each annoying email brings two friends with it.
Turn a Business Trip into a Fishing Trip
Business travel can be hell on earth, but if you add a fishing trip to the front or back end of the work effort it can make all of the difference in the world. You might be surprised to find out the cities that have great angling. Here’s how to make it happen.
What is the Best Time to Go on a Fishing Trip?
The best time to go on a fishing trip is “any time you can,” but that maxim doesn’t tell the whole story. Our plan has always been to fish “the best places at the best times.” When that’s not possible, how do you know whether it makes sense to spend your hard-earned cash (and energy and vacation time) to go during an off-peak period?
A “Belt and Suspenders” Approach to Fishing Travel
While I occasionally forget to bring something on my fishing trips, through a system of lists and post-it notes I’ve minimized that problem. It’s more likely that I’ll bring something that I end up not needing at all, which is usually the best kind of problem to have. Even if you’re going someplace centrally-located, there are certain things you cannot easily replace.
The Not-So-Friendly Skies for Anglers: Dealing With Delays and Cancellations
It has been a tough period for the airlines and for air travelers. Between pandemic-related shutdowns, ever-changing health protocols, oddball weather patterns, and a few unforced errors from the carriers, flying to a fishing destination has occasionally become a nightmare. If you must fly, or prefer to fly, here are eleven suggestions to minimize the chance of your vacation being totally destroyed.
Five South American Fishing Trips that Keep Me Up at Night
I’ve now been to South America four times but I’ve never left the friendly confines of Brazil. I went to Rio de Janeiro as a teenager (no fishing), and over the past decade I’ve been to the Rio Negro region twice, along with an exceptional trip to Rio Juruena. That needs to change. Here are five more that are currently at the top of my list.
Five (More) North American Fishing Experiences on My Bucket List
When I compiled my recent list of “Ten North American Dream Fishing Trips,” I knew that is wasn’t a comprehensive survey, nor was it meant to be. Here are five more special destinations that are on my mind right now. The fishing comes first, of course, but each one offers something a little bit special on top of that – be it history, the way you get to the fish, the food or the scenery.
Packing a Fishing Rod Tube Properly for Airline Travel
You’ve saved for your bucket list vacation, acquired all of the necessary gear and the luggage to get it there. The forecast is perfect, the flight gets off without a hitch, but when you arrive at the baggage claim it’s the nightmare scenario. Either your rod tube doesn’t arrive or its contents are destroyed. Here’s how to avoid that nightmare scenario.
27 Hours of Hell: A Love Letter to American Airlines
Our trip home from El Salto was scheduled for an otherwise innocuous weekend that turned out to be one of the worst travel experiences of our lives. We were scheduled to travel home on American Airlines, leaving three hours to transfer our bodies and our luggage in Dallas, but we unknowingly stumbled into a minefield --- American canceled over 400 flights and we were caught up in the chaos.
My Fishy Wish List for Panama
Pete and I, along with six of our friends, leave for Panama next Tuesday. We’re finally headed to the legendary Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge. Of course, Pete is a planner and I like to wing it, so until a few days ago I had done no thorough research on this destination. I knew that we’d be chasing yellowfin tuna, but I didn’t know if that was the only game in town.
Jump Around!
One of the reasons that we’re headed back to Casa Vieja Lodge in Guatemala is because the sailfish are so incredibly acrobatic. Every one of the 37 we landed jumped multiple times.
Do Not Fly List: These Items Should NOT Go in Your Checked Fishing Luggage
If you’re flying to an epic fishing trip, in most circumstances you’ll have to check a bag at some point. While TSA does provide some vague guidance allowing for hooks to be in your carry-on luggage, ultimately the US government, foreign governments and individual airlines will interpret the regulations differently. Also, remember that TSA has the final word in America, but when you’re on foreign soil you’re playing by a whole different set of rules.
Travel's Number Two Problem
You may be as regular as a Swiss timepiece, but for some reason travel seems to throw off many of our internal clocks and digestive systems. Whether it’s the change of venue, jet lag, different foods, dehydration, or some other factor, when you lose the home field advantage, sometimes your innards get screwed up. That can lead to both discomfort and inconvenience.
Hall of Fame Trips
I’ve been honored to serve on the Board of Directors of the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame since 2018, but even before that I was fortunate to interact with a lot of the Hall’s members. I’ve fished with Kevin VanDam, Denny Brauer, Mark Davis, Paul Elias, the late Ken Cook and 2020 inductee Ron Lindner (in a very memorable FLW Tour event on Lake Minnetonka in 1997). I’ve also ridden with several members in practice, including David Fritts and Gary Klein. And of course I’ve spent many hours in the boat with 2020 inductee Steve Bowman while covering various B.A.S.S. events.