The Travel Blog
Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.
Half Past First Cast 2022 End-of-Year Travel Notes
Another solid travel year for the Half Past First Cast team. Judging by our social media feeds you’d think we were gone all the time, but to me it felt like we were home more than usual. Here are a few stats, notes and tidbits to tidy up the end of year accounting.
My 2020 Vacation Time in Review
As I’ve described before, I am the ultimate hoarder of vacation time, using every legal and ethical hack in the book to make what I’m granted go as far as possible. Of course, 2020 was a challenge to anyone looking to maximize vacation. On the one hand, we had forces preventing us from going anywhere (and I hate the idea of a “staycation”), but we needed the release more than ever.