Aussies – I’m crazy, my mom had me tested

Pete Robbins fishing with his Australian Shepherd Rooster

I didn’t grow up with a dog so when I was finally out of my parents’ house, on my own and settled in as a grownup it was time to find my furry friend.

A little over twenty-five years ago I researched getting an Australian Shepherd. Everything I read stated Aussies are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and high energy levels. They live fairly long lives (of course no dog’s life is long enough) and Aussie puppy pictures sealed the deal.

The decision was made, I knew I would provide the best life for that beautiful ball of fuzzy cuteness.

My roommate and I brought home our four-legged children: mine was a black-tri Aussie and hers was a blonde Labrador. I remember the first vet visit like it was yesterday – The doctor looked at both our dogs, turned back to me and the first comment out of the nice, “concerned” lady’s mouth was a warning: “You signed up for training classes, RIGHT?”

Indeed it turned out to be a learning process. The dog trained me and I trained her. Her name was Riley, aka Betty Spaghetti, Boog #1 and of course Ausshole. We did everything together, and eventually I sold my townhome and purchased a home for a bigger place to run (and pee). After all of the training I understood the vet’s comment, but eventually you forget the tough times and just remember the great times. I fell so in love with the breed, so when we lost Riley eventually I was ready to do it again.

This time we signed on for a male, red merle Aussie named Rooster. If you ever saw our house, you would understand the name: There are rooster figurines everywhere (well, everywhere there’s not a fish replica). It was between Catfish (Pete’s choice) and Rooster and of course, mama wins. So the story continues with Rooster (legal name; Foghorn Leghorn, nicknames; Roo, Sheldon, Menace, Boog #2 ) and all his craziness. We have weekly training that has brought both of us new friends and hours of fun, a new fence to prevent my shadow from running away, and of course daily “tumbleweed pickups.” His hair is everywhere, and even though he’s never been out of the US somehow it finds its way in our luggage to far off countries.

Riley and Rooster Robbins

Neither of my Aussies chewed baseboards, ate couches or underwear, swallowed their dog toys, broke a bone, or demonstrated eating issues. They were/are both food motivated and didn’t come in contact with a human they didn’t like (sorry, Aaron Hobbs).

However, both were/are possessive, my shadow, loud barkers, herders, sock thieves, anxious and smarter than you and I put together.

And for all of those reasons, I can’t wait to get another one.

I am hoping our plans to go on the road for retirement will include Rooster, then he can leave his hair on his own and not just in a suitcase.

There are a lot of things that tie the fishing community together and Australian Shepherds happen to be one of them. Aussies aren’t what you would think of when you think of water dogs – the traditional ones are Portuguese and Irish Water dogs, Newfoundlands, Spaniels, Chesapeake Bay and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (no Pete, not getting one) and Labs, but several of the professional fisherman have Aussies and I wanted to find out WHY??!?!?!

Ott and Jennie DeFoe and family with their two dogs

Ott and Jennie DeFoe & Family

HPFC: What specifically attracted you to the Australian Shepherd breed?

Defoe: The loan officer that we used had an accidental litter and we just went for it!

HPFC: Were you prepared to provide the necessary exercise and mental stimulation required for an Aussie?

DeFoe: To be honest ours are pretty lazy, LOL. They love to run but also don’t mind sleeping all day.

HPFC: Why should or shouldn’t someone get an Aussie?

DeFoe: They absolutely should! They are smart and the most loving dogs!

HPFC: Did you do any training and what specifically did you do to train?

DeFoe: Our first Aussie, Elle, did not require any training she’s been good from the start. Our second one, Emmett, went to a training facility for 4 weeks/

HPFC: Does your Aussie ride in the boat with you and how did you get them not to step on all the buttons, jump off, or otherwise cause problems?

DeFoe: Yes, they both do. Elle isn’t the best but Emmett settles down nicely. When we float the river, they hop out in the shallow water and run and swim! They both are great and respond when we tell them to come back.

HPFC: If you have kids, does your Aussie herd them?

DeFoe: Yes, they do and they love them!

HPFC: What is your Aussie’s name and how did you pick it?

DeFoe: Elle and Emmett -- Legally Blonde

HPFC: What color is your Aussie?

DeFoe: Black Tri and Blue Merle

HPFC: Is this your first Aussie?

DeFoe: Yes. Elle is 4 now and Emmett 3

HPFC: Do your Aussies travel with you?

DeFoe: They do not travel with us.

1995 Bassmaster Classic champion Mark Davis with his two Australian Shepherd Dogs

Mark & Tilly Davis and Family

HPFC: What specifically attracted you to the Australian Shepherd breed?

Davis: We just heard what good dogs they are.

HPFC: Were you prepared to provide the necessary exercise and mental stimulation required for an Aussie?

Davis: We had a miniature that was hyper and we weren’t prepared.

HPFC: Why should or shouldn’t someone get an Aussie?

Davis: Aussies are loyal which also makes them “clingy.” You have to enjoy sharing every moment with them.

HPFC: Did you do any training and what specifically did you do to train?

Davis: We do normal stuff – shake, lay down and with fears of running off we control with vibrating collars.

HPFC: Does your Aussie ride in the boat with you and how did you get them not to step on all the buttons, jump off or cause other problems?

Davis: We have litter mates and our son has the momma. One is obsessed with the water and heads for the pond every chance he can and goes crazy on the boat ramp knowing a boat ride may happen.

HPFC: If you have kids, does your Aussie herd them?

Davis: Our kids are older but our mini was petrified of kids and we had kids, uggg.

HPFC: What is your Aussie’s name and how did you pick it?

Davis: Our current Aussies are Gus and Maggie which come from a contest and the fact that Mark loves Lonesome Dove, the movie.

HPFC: What color is your Aussie?

Davis: Gus has the blue eyes and they consider them black tris but they are mostly black and white.

HPFC: Is this your first Aussie? If not, how many have you had?

Davis: We had a mini and now have two full size and our son also has one.

HPFC: Do your Aussies travel with you? If so, tell us about how they handle the RV or the hotel stays.

Davis: We took our pups from Arizona to Florida at three months old. They go everywhere we go. We travel with a camper but they have stayed in hotels as well. They do amazing. The are very good. They just want to be with us and when greeted by others they love jumping on them. Be warned.

Professional Bass Angler Harvey Horne and his three Australian shepherds

Harvey & Rhonda Horne & Family

HPFC: What specifically attracted you to the Australian Shepherd breed?

Horne: They are fun! They have such amazing loving personalities, and they are some of the smartest dogs out there.

HPFC: Were you prepared to provide the necessary exercise and mental stimulation required for an Aussie?

Horne: Definitely. We have three and each requires something different. They are just like children and their personalities help determine what they need. So, the hardest part was making sure they each have what they need to be stimulated and worked.

HPFC: Why should or shouldn’t someone get an Aussie?

Horne: Don’t get an Aussie if you don’t like hair. With three of them living indoors, we vacuum up an entire dog each day.

HPFC: Did you do any training and what specifically did you do to train?

Horne: Lots of games. No specific training. They are brilliant dogs and it took very little to house train.

HPFC: Does your Aussie ride in the boat with you and how did you get them not to step on all the buttons, jump off or cause other problems?

Horne: Our toy Aussie loves to go fishing. The other two are standards and don’t take to being on the water well.

HPFC: If you have kids, does your Aussie herd them?

Horne: Yes…oh very much so. The smallest also herds the other Aussies.

HPFC: What is your Aussie’s name and how did you pick it?

Horne: Our 9-year-old toy is Shelby Mae. Our 5-year-old standards are Kota Bear and Jasper Willow.

HPFC: What color is your Aussie?

Horne: We have a red tri, a black tri and a blue merle.

HPFC: Is this your first Aussie? If not, how many have you had?

Horne: We have had four in total; we live with three now.

HPFC: Do your Aussies travel with you? If so, tell us about how they handle the RV or the hotel stays.

Horne: Our smallest travels and loves riding. Our standards travel when we are using our big camper.

Chad and Debbie Morgenthaler with Australian Shepherd Trixie

Chad and Debbie Morgenthaler

HPFC: What specifically attracted you to the Australian Shepherd breed?

Morgenthaler: Several attractions to the breed: The attitude, the personality, the intelligence, the loyalty and last but not least, the eyes.

HPFC: Were you prepared to provide the necessary exercise and mental stimulation required for an Aussie?

Morgenthaler: Zero way was I ready for the energy and requirements. The need is unreal and I wouldn’t have made it three days if me and Deb didn’t tag team match her.

HPFC: Why should or shouldn’t someone get an Aussie?

Morgenthaler: In my opinion a person should only consider this animal if you have help, kids, other animals, land, time to spend with them and a lot of patience. Otherwise, don’t do it!!!!!

HPFC: Did you do any training and what specifically did you do to train?

Morgenthaler: I am training her and we are learning together. Commands, tricks, potty training, all the normal stuff and I would like to put her through obstacle courses soon. She needs the challenge.

HPFC: Does your Aussie ride in the boat with you and how did you get them not to step on all the buttons, jump off or cause other problems?

Morgenthaler: No boat rides yet. I’m still afraid for her safety with the hooks and other safety issues. I did get her a pool because she does love the water. We also take a few walks along the lake so she can play in the water.

HPFC: If you have kids, does your Aussie herd them?

Morgenthaler: No kids, she herds the wife and also bites and nips her on the buttocks….

HPFC: What is your Aussie’s name and how did you pick it?

Morgenthaler: Trixie was our choice. Actually Trixie Rosie’s Ruckus is her registered name. Perfect choice because she does a lot of tricks and she is crazy at times terrorizing everyone and everything.

HPFC: What color is your Aussie?

Morgenthaler: Trixie is a red merle.

HPFC: Is this your first Aussie? If not, how many have you had?

Morgenthaler: First and last Aussie, but I love her like a daughter, she is with me every step at home. No amount of money could take her from me now!!!!!

HPFC: Do your Aussies travel with you? If so, tell us about how they handle the RV or the hotel stays.

Morgenthaler: No traveling yet, she does ride short trips very well in the truck.

Missouri Bass Pro Chad Morgenthaler with his dog Trixie

I was surprised that other fishing families also had Australian Shepherds, especially families with kids, and particularly if they stay on the road and may not have the space for the dogs to run their hearts out. What I am not surprised about is that now that they have had one or more they will continue to have Aussholes. I call your bluff, Chad Morgenthaler!


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