A Lakebound Security Blanket Worth the Fight

Lakebound blanket depicting Table Rock Lake in Missouri

Pete and I love to give gifts that mean something to the recipients. We’d also prefer that they be long-lasting, not something you can consume or toss after several days like liquor, chocolates or flowers.

We’ve been thrilled with numerous products from Lakebound, including barrel ends, shirts and mugs, so on our recent trip to Missouri we brought our friends Debbie and Chad Morgenthaler a Lakebound blanket with an image of Table Rock Lake, their home waters.

Maybe we should have brought two, as the single blanket produced a martial spat. Upon arriving, I presented Debbie with the package. She took it into her possession, wrapped herself in it and wouldn’t come out from under. Chad asked if he could share and Debbie gave Chad the stank eye.

I guess while Chad’s fishing on Table Rock Lake Debbie will be cozied up under the lake (blanket). Perhaps she’ll give in eventually and share or maybe Chad will just have to crawl under while Debbie is napping.

That’s up to them. We just give the gifts. We don’t deal with marital counseling.

Chad and Debbie Morgenthaler fighting over a blanket

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