More HPFC on BTL

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I appeared on Bass Talk Live twice in 2022, and host/empresario Matt Pangrac continues to be very, very good for my career, my ego, and HPFC. He was kind enough to invite me back on the show this past Monday, February 6th, to talk about some of the legendary and lesser-known beefs, battles and brawls in the history of professional fishing. If you missed it, check it out below:

Then, on Wednesday, he hosted our longtime friend Chad Morgenthaler to talk about topics including Future Cast Academy. The Robbins clan was mentioned and he noted that there are still spots on Hanna’s upcoming April trip to the Ozarks. Here’s a link to that one, too:

Don’t forget to subscribe to BTL. Matt does an incredible job of publicizing and promoting the sport, and he’s also pretty sneaky about getting some of us to say things that should probably be left unsaid! I’m proud to be on the Board of the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame with him and to say that we’ve worked together in various other capacities for over 15 years.


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