My Favorite Fishing Meals of 2021

greek style octopus served at Bucaneros in Panama

Do you eat to live? I live to eat! In the Robbins house we are constantly thinking about the next meal, or even the next meal after that. I guess you could call us foodies. You can count on one hand the foods that Pete and I don’t care for and we are willing to try almost anything.

Of course, some meals stand out more than others. In a year full of great dining, both at home and on the road, here are some of my favorites:

Anglers Inn Guacamole

guacamole and pico de gallo

I love Mexican food, which is a good thing since I spend a lot of time in Mexico, most frequently at Anglers Inn. Each time I return to Anglers Inn the first thing that comes to mind is when will I get my first plate of guac. I am not sure what it is that makes it so good. Is it the right amount of lime? Salt? Or maybe there is a secret ingredient? I can find a way to eat guacamole at every meal, including as my appetizer and instead of dessert, although it is embarrassing to keep asking for more. I can’t wait until they bring back the Mexican buffet, then I can go back to the massive bowl as many times as I please.

Tuna Poke, Fish Cakes and Chicken Wings

I can’t pick just one appetizer from Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge so I picked three. It’s the weirdest yet the best combination. On a vacation where we eat fresh caught tuna, why am I so excited about the chicken wings? You would pick the chicken wings too. Three different styles: buffalo, BBQ and garlic parmesan, all of them to die for. The tuna poke is so good, I batted my eyes and “made” Chef Eddie show me how to prepare it so I could replicate it at home. And what is a fish cake? It sounds gross, doesn’t look like fish and truly tastes like sausage -- and I love them.

Fresh Caught Fish on the Boat in Guatemala

fresh cooked mahi mahi on the boat in Guatemala

When you are told you can get fresh prepared lunches on the boat in Guatemala (the ones with a galley kitchen) I didn’t really expect catch and plate. The goal is to catch a Mahi Mahi before lunch time so that it can be filleted, prepared and grilled up for lunch. It is amazing what a little yellow mustard and onions can do to a piece of Mahi. Maybe it’s just the fact that the entire process happened before my eyes or maybe it’s just because it tastes that good.


grilled branzino in Panama

Usually, I check out Tripadvisor or even the menu of a restaurant before we go but on our trip to Panama, in April, I didn’t even know the name of the restaurant prior to stepping foot in the place. Bucaneros was a very pleasant surprise and the food was delicious. When the pictures on the menu look better in real life that’s a good thing. My appetizer of Greek Style Octopus was outstanding. I had the grilled Branzino as my entrée. The whole fish came, it was very easy to fillet and eat as it doesn’t have many bones and it was seasoned to perfection. It came with steamed veggies, upon my request. If and when we go back, I would consider getting the same meal. Plus, a Panama light beer!!

Chad Morgenthaler’s Tomahawk Steak

Massive tomahawk steak

I am always impressed and thrilled to spend time with professional bass angler Chad Morgenthaler. I have learned so much over the years as he guided me on different bodies of water. What you may not know about Chad is he is an excellent grill master as well. On our latest travels to visit Debbie and Chad he grilled up some fish, steaks and Debbie prepared veggies and salad. To this day, I still crave that perfectly smoked and grilled Tomahawk steak. Just the right amount of smoke and seasoning, cooked medium rare, just like a steak should be prepared. Kudos to the chef. Chad’s favorite part of the meal is watching me eat the bone. We will leave it at that!!!

Bon Appetit. Here’s to fresh new recipes, restaurant choices and new cuisine in 2022.

The perfect tomahawk steak ends with gnawing on the bone to get the gristle

Pretty Like a Bluefin Trevally


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