Stuff We Like Inspired by our Travel
Fishing should be fun. Part of that is art and food and other things that don't put fish in the boat, but nevertheless make you enjoy the process more.
Put “The Common Angler” on Your Reading List
If you’ve spent a lifetime passionately chasing “little green fish” — or any fish for that matter — then “The Common Angler” by Jack Wollitz will sing to you.
Where to Buy Books About Fishing
There are thousands of books about all facets of fishing available to the consumer — if you know where to look. Here are some places to start your search.
Monte Burke’s “Lords of the Fly”: The Gift and Curse of Obsession
The lede to Monte Burke’s “Lords of the Fly” is that tarpon are a fish that have befuddled everyone from Hall of Fame ballpayers to gangsters to business titans to dilletantes since the time of Michelangelo, if not earlier. The more significant message, however, is that the fish don’t give a fuck who you are. If they had middle fingers to give, they’d shoot two of them in all of their suitors’ directions.
Reading, Writing and Ripping Lips
I’m a self-described book nerd and I have been since I was a little kid. Indeed, coming from a non-fishing family, the written word was my entrance into the sport. My parents bought me a subscription to Field & Stream when I was 9, and one to Bassmaster when I was 13. Reading about all of the different tackle, destinations and personalities lit a fire under me that hasn’t come close to burning out.