Goofy hats and other fishing-specific clothing make traveling and angling more fun, and provide memorable souvenirs of great trips

Stuff We Like Inspired by our Travel

Fishing should be fun. Part of that is art and food and other things that don't put fish in the boat, but nevertheless make you enjoy the process more.

Stuff we Like Pete Robbins Stuff we Like Pete Robbins

How to Get Rich Writing About Fishing

As I’ve written many times before, the late development of my writing career has paid countless dividends and I feel like it’s just getting started. I’ve had some great mentors, and most of the learning experiences have been relatively painful. I don’t know precisely what the future of fishing media holds, but I can tell you that there’s still tons of opportunity for savvy, hard workers.

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Stuff we Like Pete Robbins Stuff we Like Pete Robbins

Making the Most of a Media Event

Whether you call it a “media gathering,” a “junket,” a “writers conference” or something else, you know that you’ve been noticed as a member of the outdoor media when companies start inviting you. Once you’ve been invited and you’ve decided to attend, there are still some steps you can take to make it worthwhile for you, the company putting on the event, and the angler’s who attend.

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