Goofy hats and other fishing-specific clothing make traveling and angling more fun, and provide memorable souvenirs of great trips

Stuff We Like Inspired by our Travel

Fishing should be fun. Part of that is art and food and other things that don't put fish in the boat, but nevertheless make you enjoy the process more.

Stuff we Like Pete Robbins Stuff we Like Pete Robbins

Like a Sturgeon (Drunk for the Very First Time)

I have yet to catch a sturgeon, at least partially because I’ve never targeted them. I’ve been in the boat musky fishing when one of my partners hooked one and quickly released it, but that’s the extent of my experience with them. One day I hope to visit my friend Ryan Rosenbaum in Idaho to catch one of those 8- to 10-foot long acrobats, and then tap out and whack on a bunch of smallmouths on the same water. Until then, I’ll have to get my sturgeon fix through alcohol.

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