The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Return of the STI Pupfish
The STI Pupfish is one of the most coveted topwater lures, but like many things from Vegas, they eventually went bust. Until recently, if you wanted to buy one you had to eBay, but now Jason St. Mary of Phoney Frogs has his own updated version of this legendary walk-the-dog surface lure.
St. Croix’s New Physyx Rods for 2024
We’ve used tons of St. Croix models both at home and at Anglers Inn’s properties in Mexico, and we’re always excited to see what they’ll come up with next. Ryan Teach showed us the new Physyx lineup at the Bassmaster Classic in Tulsa.
Clutch Colors from Conventional to Koi
The 2024 Bassmaster Classic Expo is particularly memorable for me because it marked the “mainstreaming” of swimbait culture. The Clutch Swimbait Company was mobbed all three days, but I weaseled my way in to get some info out of Josh Pladies and Justin Kimmel.
“Do You Have Garlic?”
The aroma of garlic gets the salivary glands flowing. You may have experienced this unmistakable smell when walking into a restaurant or mom’s kitchen. It gets stuck in your mind and prevents you from thinking about anything else. But it’s not just about food. Spike-It products will help you catch more and bigger fish.
My 2023 Bassmaster Classic Expo Experience
Since 2010, I’d always been on the water during the Bassmaster Classic competition days, often an hour away from the downtown arena, which meant that I essentially never got to visit the Expo. For a tackle junkie like me, that’s a particularly cruel punishment. This year,I got to wander the Expo for a couple of hours each day.
Bassmaster Classic Product Introductions for Traveling Anglers
The Bassmaster Classic Expo has become a prime time for bass fishing manufacturers to introduce new products. Here are some of the best ones for traveling anglers from the 2022 show in Greenville, SC.