Hanna Robbins and Jennifer Combs with a cooler full of crappie from Lake Sam Rayburn

The Outdoor Gear We Recommend

We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.

No tackle shop on earth provides more specialized gear for bass than Tackle Warehouse. If you want it, they've got it in stock — whether it's a proven winner or the newest items on the market — and their service is exceptional.

Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

7 Glide Baits that Imitate Clear Lake Hitch

There are lots of glide baits that mimic the Clear Lake Hitch. Many of the “garage” builders have their own take on this particular baitfish, but if you don’t have the budget or the appetite to wait on the drop, consider one the options available at Tackle Warehouse – and don’t sleep on the fact that they work on other lakes.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Keith Combs: Four New Must-Have Squarebill Colors

Every serious bass angler has squarebills in staple colors, They may have been enough in days gone by, said Keith Combs, but with increased fishing pressure now it’s also critical to have a broader array. In his workhorse KVD 1.5, he’s quickly grown reliant on the following four new options.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Jumpstart the Season

In anticipation of another year of far flung travel and hopefully more fishing than in 2023 and 2024, I made an investment – not a new truck or boat, but something that’ll keep them both going – a portable 2000 am jump starter from Battery Tender.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Forloh’s New Items to Keep Anglers Comfortable

I’ve been wearing Forloh’s technical clothing for a couple of years now. It started with their insect repellent lineup, but I’ve also used their UPF shirts to protect me from harmful rays. I caught up with them at the 2025 SCI show to find out what else is coming down the pipeline for anglers.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Definitely Boneable

A bone-colored topwater has been a staple for decades, and lots of big bait freaks swear by that same color pattern for their glides, wakes and swimbaits. So why shouldn’t it excel in moving baits, too? If you’ve had that thought, here’s a starting point – three bone swim jigs and two bone spinnerbaits.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Six Old School Motor Oil Worms

When I first got into bass fishing in the early 1980s, “Motor Oil” was a standard plastic worm color. I suspect that the rise of various green pumpkins and watermelons led to its eventual decrease in popularity. However, there remain a handful of old school and old school style worms that come in this hue.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Gear Review: Island Optics Angler Sunglasses

When Jason Sealock told me about Island Optics, I was intrigued. He’d been fishing out of them for quite a while and claimed that they performed as well than most of his pricier shades. I went into testing these with an open mind. Here’s what I found.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

More Rolls of the Dice

We previously provided a brief tutorial on the “fuzzy dice lure.” There’s still a lot of mystery around this odd offering, so we figured that it made sense to check out some others’ opinions. Here are some of the ones I’ve relied upon along with rigging advice and options.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Extreme High-End Bass Rods

If you have to have the best of the best — and price is no object — Tackle Warehouse has a lot of upper-end rods that could improve your game. Check out these top of the line bass fishing rods.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Hot Crawfish!

Whether it’s the springtime and red is the hottest color in the grass, or it’s another time of year and you find hot red crawfish spit up in your livewell, you need to have some red soft plastic craws ready to go.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Come on Baby Light My Fire -- Red Swim Jigs

Now that we’ve detailed some of the red jerkbaits you didn’t know you needed, take note that there are also a wealth of red swim jigs available today. For times when the blade is a little bit too much, or you want to snake through even heavier cover, consider some of the following.

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Gear Hanna Robbins Gear Hanna Robbins

Bye Bye Rainsuit

Make sure you spend money on a good rainsuit. Nearly 20 years ago, Pete took me to BPS get me my first “real” set of foul weather gear. He assured me it would pay off in the long run and we’d decided to get a BPS Gore-tex 100 mph rainsuit, no matter what it cost.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Rayburn Red Traps

The Bassmaster Open anglers are on Sam Rayburn this week. I’m sure there will be some “scoping” in the mix and perhaps some sight fishing, but the grumpy old curmudgeon in me would like to see it won on a lipless crankbait — especiall if it’s Rayburn Red.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Red Jerkbaits for Pre-Spawn Bass

In the world of pre-spawn bass fishing, there are two presentations that rule: suspending jerkbaits and red lures. The latter are most often lipless crankbaits and vibrating jigs, but what if you merged the two categories together? It turns out that several manufacturers produce red jerkbaits.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

The Pros’ Super Fluke Modifications

The Zoom Super Fluke has withstood the test of time. While there are many copycats, the original is still the standard. While it’s a great tool straight out of the package, there are all sorts of ways to modify it for different purposes. Here are some of the best from the experts.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Forloh – Not Just for Hunting, Not Just for Men

I’ve been wearing Forloh items quite a bit over the past couple of years, but I thought they specialized in gear for men. When we ran into their booth at the SCI Show, however, Hanna’s eyes lit up. They had lots of outdoors gear for ladies. While hunting is their focus, much of it is incredibly functional for fishing.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Is This the Ultimate Modular Waterproof Fishing Luggage System?

It was the brown bear backpack that drew me into the Rokman booth, but once inside I quickly became intrigued by their waterproof packs. They’re “not just another bag,” but actually a system made to protect your gear whether you’re getting dropped off in the backcountry or bouncing through the rapids.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Winning Baits of Elite Series Okeechobee Events

The Bassmaster Elite Series heads to Florida’s famous Lake Okeechobee for the fourth time this month, and while there are staples, you never know what’ll produce the biggest catches. Here are the winning baits from past events.

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