The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
More Japanese “Poop” Baits
One of the most-read, and most remarked-upon articles we’ve written was about JDM lures like the Deps Cover Scat and Valley Hill Heavy Poop. These stubby stick baits have become popular stateside. Yamamoto’s Yamatanuki has been flying off shelves. If you want something a little bit rarer, though, you might try one of these four.
Megabass Sleeper Baits and Special Run Colors With Lin Bell
Lin Bell has been a Megabass dealer for 30 years and is deeply connected to the brand. He gets two shipments a month, so the best producers tend to stay in stock. Full pegs mean that it’s not always easy to tell what is working best – but Lin is an open book. I asked him to talk about some sleeper baits and new colors.