The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Chad Meenan’s Swimbait Starter Set for Mexican Beasts
Hanna and I get asked about the best swimbaits for big Mexican bass all the time, and while we can give some generalized answers, we’ve long been in search of a true expert to advise us. We found that person in Chad Meenan, one of the handful of gringos who fishes South of the Border more than we do.
Restocking Rods at Anglers Inn
Any competent angler could have a fantastic trip to Anglers Inn with the provided rods. Additionally, traveling with a rod tube is a major pain in the ass. Don’t do it unless you’re prepared to be hassled and disappointed. I’m in a position where if a few get messed up I’ll be unhappy, but it won’t change my life. That means it’s time to restock my toolbox down there. I’ll be flying to Mexico with a rod tube for the first time since 2016. Here are the sticks I’m bringing.
Swimbaits That Have Produced for Me in Mexico
People often ask about the best swimbaits to bring to Lake El Salto and Lake Picachos. I’m not a true big bait expert, so I can’t give you the most exciting answers, but I CAN tell you the ones that have produced for me, both deep and shallow, throughout the year.
Ten Tackle Observations from El Salto
We’ve already provided a list of the lures that did or did not work for us on our June 2021 trip to Anglers Inn Lake El Salto. It was an exceptional trip, with I believe more 3- to 6-pound class fish than on any prior visit. Of course, being a confirmed tackle junkie, I can’t just leave it as a simple list – each additional trip provides revelations, discoveries and slight differences that I find noteworthy. Here are 10 of them.
Swimbaits as a Cranking Substitute in Mexico
On this June 2021 trip to El Salto, Anglers Inn, I am going to make it my goal to fish with all types of different swimbaits while others are cranking. I’ll be back in touch to let you know how my research turned out. Now it’s back to the garage to load a Plano tackle box with an assortment of swimbaits.