The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
7 Glide Baits that Imitate Clear Lake Hitch
There are lots of glide baits that mimic the Clear Lake Hitch. Many of the “garage” builders have their own take on this particular baitfish, but if you don’t have the budget or the appetite to wait on the drop, consider one the options available at Tackle Warehouse – and don’t sleep on the fact that they work on other lakes.
Gateways to Enthusiast-Grade Glide Baits and Swimbaits
You may be intrigued by the draw of swimbaits but your budget or your stomach might not be able to handle a triple-digit price tag. If you’re not ready to invest $200+ for a Pizz or $400+ for a Hinkle, you may still want to try something rarer and slightly more expensive than the mass production options available at your local tackle stores.
Tackle Warehouse Exclusive Colors of the Gan Craft Jointed Claw
The Gan Craft Jointed Claw. It’s a JDM product that like the Bull Shads can be had (in some sizes) for less than $100. The Jointed Claw is available in a wide variety of colors domestically, as well as some that are harder-to-find. Now they’ve introduced two Tackle Warehouse exclusive patterns for the US market – Brilliant Trout and Gorgeous Shad.