The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
A Dozen More Shades of Pink
We had so much fun writing about bubblegum-colored lures that we decided to revisit the topic – this time expanding it to varied shades of pink. It’s a color that a lot of us use as an accent shade, but less frequently as a primary hue.
What Did You Use to Catch Your First Fish? (Hosted June 2024 El Salto Trip)
As you step out of the van at Anglers Inn El Salto, the next steps are to collect your first of many secret recipe margaritas, follow your bags to your room, and quickly rig up some rods. You only get one first cast, and one first fish so I asked the members of our June group what they used to break the ice.
Spring 2024 -- New Big Baits and Terminal Tackle for Mexican Bass at Tackle Warehouse
Despite the fact that I could probably rely on the proven winners that have helped me in my past trips to Lake El Salto and Lake Picachos, I’m always looking for new options. Here are some big baits and new terminal tackle items from Tackle Warehouse worth checking out.
Super Six Plastics to Simplify Your Mexico Bass Trip
You may have your favorites, and even some double-secret-probation killers, but I truly believe that the "Keep it Simple, Stupid" methodology is best. Build around proven winners and go from there. If you have an ample supply of the following six plastics, I guarantee you that you'll be able to catch big bass just about every day of the year.
More Soft Swimbaits – Their Pros and Cons
I am definitely not a swimbait expert, but nevertheless I’ve accumulated more than my share of big baits. My first sweep of the boat, office and tackle cave produced a pretty heavy supply of lures. Then I found a bunch more and documented them as well. For better or for worse, the inventory didn’t stop there. Here is a set of soft lures that that deserve a bit more on-the-water testing.