The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
New Gear Testing at El Salto – June 2023
The best part about going to Anglers Inn’s lodges on Lake Picachos or Lake El Salto is that the conditions constantly change. – it’s a different lake every time we go. I get excited to bring downnew products that we know won’t get bit at home. If we get bites, not only have we learned something new, but we’ve added to our bag of tricks
K.I.S.S. – May/June 2023 El Salto Techniques and Patterns
Fishing on our May/June 2023 trip to El Salto was very good, with solid numbers and a higher percentage of 5-pound and larger fish than just about any prior visit. That doesn’t mean the fishing was wide open, though. I’d say that of the hundreds of bass our group caught, 40% were on crankbaits, 40% were on some form of soft plastics, and 20% came on something else.
What They Bitin’? – El Salto May/June 2023
Our most recent trip to Lake El Salto spanned May and June 2023, and the lake was on fire, with ridiculous numbers of 4- to 6-pound fish. Despite all of that, our lure choices were very simple. You couldn’t throw any lure in any color and expect to get bit. There was a narrow selection that seemed to work consistently.
New Lures and New Approaches for El Salto – May/June 2023
We’re headed back to El Salto for a week at the end of this month. We’ve been going multiple times a year for a decade-plus, and we’ve narrowed down the lures that we’re most likely to use, but I still reserve some time each trip to work in new possibilities. Here are four new lures that are already packed and ready to go.
Swimbaits That Have Produced for Me in Mexico
People often ask about the best swimbaits to bring to Lake El Salto and Lake Picachos. I’m not a true big bait expert, so I can’t give you the most exciting answers, but I CAN tell you the ones that have produced for me, both deep and shallow, throughout the year.
Lizards are a Must-Have for Mexican Bass
Paired with an appropriately-sized tungsten weight, the lizard might be the most versatile lure in the boat at El Salto and Picachos. You can Texas Rig or Carolina Rig them You can flip them. You can even catch fish swimming one or bouncing it along the bottom on a slow, steady retrieve. Moreover, they’re inexpensive and durable.
Less Costly Tackle Solutions for El Salto and Picachos
Restaurants may sometimes have a strict “No Substitutions” policy, but here at Half Past First Cast we’re not that rigid. If you need to save a few bucks on your trip to El Salto or Picachos, we have some ways to shave down your tackle-buying bill.
Buy the Basics for Bass Fishing in Mexico
So you’re headed to Lake El Salto, Lake Picachos or some other dream bass fishing destination for the first time? It can be daunting to try to figure out what tackle to pack, especially given seasonal variations and differences among different lakes and forage bases. Here’s a list of basic items that’ll pay off 12 months out of the year.
Building Confidence in Bass Lures
Confidence is a a huge part of fishing success and you can’t gain confidence in a lure until you’ve caught a pile of fish on it. Here are two lures that I’ve used successfully in various places, and two that I know will work but still need to get better to gain true confidence.