The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Lures I Associate With Rick Clunn’s Unmatched Career
Rick Clunn’s true distinguishing characteristics are his explorations into seasonal patterns and his inquiries into the mental side of the game. Nevertheless, as I look back on his career there are a number of lures that I associate directly with him.
A Mid-1990s Tightwad’s Guide to Spending More on Tackle
My first spending priority after graduating was to get a bass boat of my own, but when it came to tackle I was still pretty careful. Eventually some pricey options came along that I simply could not resist. Check out the entry points to my now-high-spending tackle addiction.
20 for 20: Fishing Gear Going Strong After Two-Plus Decades
Newer isn’t necessarily better when it comes to fishing tackle. There are plenty of lures, tools and accessories in my boat that I’ve been using since before many of the current Elite Series pros were born.
Rico Colors I Live and Die With
If you’re only going to get one topwater popper to fish for bass, make it a Lobina Lures Rico or Rio Rico. Nevertheless, these lures are not an insubstantial investment, so you’ll want the best colors. Many people argue that only the paint on the bottom of these lures matters, but I tend to fish better if I have confidence. Here are five favorites.
Building Confidence in Bass Lures
Confidence is a a huge part of fishing success and you can’t gain confidence in a lure until you’ve caught a pile of fish on it. Here are two lures that I’ve used successfully in various places, and two that I know will work but still need to get better to gain true confidence.