The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Roboworm Straight-Tail Worms – My Three Favorite Colors
I’ve known the power of the Roboworm for nearly two decades. While I often turn to soft plastics like the Berkley Flat Worm or the Yamamoto Shad Shape worm to dropshot, when in doubt the Robo gets the call. While I own quite a few, the following are my standbys.
Pack a Mexican Feast in Your Tackle Bag
I absolutely love Mexican food. I mean, I could eat it every night of the week. Of course I’d be 400 pounds and unable to operate the trolling motor, but I’d die fat and happy. Here are some Mexican-themed baits and colors that may fill the void.