The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
New Replacement Treble Hooks from ICAST 2021
I recently wrote about the need to bring spare treble hooks with you on fishing travel, with our trips to Mexico as the focus. Making sure you have ultra-sharp hooks on your lures at all times is one of the best ways to maximize your catch rate. I’ve amassed quite a selection of replacement hooks, but I’m always looking for better solutions. Here are some of the new options that were introduced at the 2021 ICAST show.
Small Items to Replenish Your Mexican Fishing Tackle Bag
I am a classic overpreparer and also a tad disorganized when I’m in the midst of a hot bite, so my m.o. is to take a belt and suspenders approach. That means that even though I have a huge supply of tackle stored at Anglers Inn there are additional small items that I restock every time without actually knowing whether they need to be supplemented. The good news is that they’re all inexpensive, take up little space and don’t weigh much.
Add-Ons for El Salto Excellence
Sometimes at El Salto you can get more and bigger bites by having different lures than everyone else. You can also maximize your landing percentages in various ways. Here are three tweaks I may try on our next trip South of the Border to maximize my catch-and-land rate.
Spooning in Sinaloa
As an addicted angler I’m always looking for a “better mousetrap” and I tend to get high on retail therapy. That means I spend a lot on speculative acquisitions, most of which end up resigned to the dustbin of angling history. Enter the flutter spoon.
Miscellaneous Terminal Tackle for Mexican Bass Fishing
So you’ve packed up your clothing, tackle and other essentials for the trip of a lifetime to El Salto or Picachos and you still have room in your luggage. What do you do? Certainly don’t add another shirt – Anglers Inn does your laundry every day. Instead, now it’s time to start supplementing the basic list of tackle we’ve previously provided.