The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Slaying the Dragon — Big Game Travel Rods
If you’re going to the Andamans or Christmas Island or the Galapagos, there’s not a Tackle Warehouse next to your your lodging, and some outfitters require you to bring your own gear. You’ll need more than one rod, too, not just because you might be using varying techniques, but also because otherwise if you break your rod early in the trip you may be out of luck.
Knot Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed
If you’ve been fishing for any period of time, then you probably have a favorite knot or knots for tying on your lures or for connecting two lines. At home, they probably rarely fail you, but somehow when you go away things tend to go awry. Maybe you rushed through your knot. Maybe your line was frayed from the day before. Or maybe those giant trevally and yellowfin tuna stress out a knot more than the bluegills in your local pond.
Enthusiast Pack Rods — For the Traveling Angler Who Wants Something Special
Because the travel rods we already own are mostly from mainstream manufacturers, we’ve yet to try or embrace what we’d characterize as “enthusiast” versions. We owe a debt of gratitude for the term “enthusiast” to our friends at the Tackle Tour media empire. Even if they didn’t introduce it, they certainly popularized it in fishing circles.
High-End Travel Rods to Covet and Buy
Now that I’ve caught the bug and gotten over my fears that multi-piece rods would feel subpar, I’ve started to explore additional options. If you look to foreign markets like Japan and Europe and Australia, there are many more models than you can find here – including some at bespoke prices – but for purposes of this piece I’m going to limit it to items that are fairly easy to acquire within the U.S.
Popping Porn
I’ve yet to go popping for big yellowfin tuna or GTs. The former is scheduled for Panama next April and the latter has yet to be put on the calendar – but it’s definitely going to happen. In the meantime, I have to content myself with days at the keyboard, watching YouTube videos and surfing for new gear.
Would You Eat a Peacock?
Are peacock bass cannibalistic? I don’t know, but even if they’re not certainly there are other species in Amazonian waters (as well as those elsewhere, like South Florida) that eat young peas. Indeed, they’ve served as the inspiration for some killer paint jobs that are more exciting than standard old blue/chartreuse and Tennessee Shad.
The Painter’s Studio: Tej
If you travel to fish, you may learn ahead of time about certain baits that outproduce others on particular waters, or certain colors that are better than the rest. Sometimes that’s a crock, but other times it can mean the difference between incredible success and abject failure.
Skate and Bait
For those of you not particularly obsessed with mail-order swimbaits and JDM lures, you might not yet be aware of Carolina Fishing Tackle in Mooresville, NC, close to Lake Norman. Owner Doyle Myrick has not only assembled an incredible selection of hard-to-find gear at reasonable prices, but he also seems to get a lot of the good stuff first. I’ve yet to visit his store, but I inspected his selection at the last Greenville Bassmaster Classic, and I fully intend to make a detour the next time I’m headed down I-77 or I-85.
Wakey, Wakey, Hands Off Snakey
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, snakeheads are in many of our waters to stay, and if we’re not careful they’ll continue to spread. During this time of COVID-19 shutdowns and extreme cautiousness, they can provide a taste of exotic species at a time when most of us are unable or unwilling to go to where. I was reminded of this when I hooked my first snakehead of the year on Friday May 8th while chasing bass. The bite should only get better as the weather warms up.