The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Getting Hammered on Spinnerbaits
Back in March I posted a video about the ¾ ounce tandem willow spinnerbait that produced my personal best 12 pound largemouth at Camelot Bell. Some of you have requested my thoughts on why I used “hammered” blades on that day. If you think that the bass on your lake have become too accustomed to smooth spinnerbait blades, add some of these into your arsenal.
Best Painted Blade Spinnerbaits for El Salto and Picachos
I always thought that painted blades on spinnerbaits were for two extreme situations – either super-clear water or super-dirty water — but through a happy accident I found out that they work extremely well at Lake El Salto and Lake Picachos. Here are some of our proven winners.