The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Warm Weather Dreaming with the AFTCO Female Pros
I HATE the winter so I spend lots of time dreaming of warm-weather fishing travel — and want to make sure that I’ll be properly outfitted. The AFTCO women angling pros can lead you to the proper choices and colors.
My Salt Life Experience
Even if you live hundreds of miles from the ocean, you’ve probably seen signs of Salt Life on the backs of various vehicles. If you’ve always wondered what that meant, you should know that this “lifestyle brand” makes lots of women’s fishing clothing that is breathable, UV protective and flattering – something that is not always easy to find in one package.
Return to Panama: Four New Items and One Main Goal
We’re returning to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge seven months after our inaugural visit. I have some new gear to wear and otherwise test out, and I’m looking to get better at both the inshore and offshore popping bite.
My Favorite Fishing Leggings
I love wearing leggings as often as I can. I wear them to work out, around the house, to the grocery store and even to fish. They are comfortable, they can be dressed up, and they come in a nearly infinte array of colors, shapes and designs. Worn properly, they will flatter many body styles.
Stay Warm Enough to Fish Effectively
We’ve fished in temperatures up to 114 degrees, and while you can adjust to that extreme by hydrating obsessively and wearing moisture-wicking clothing, I find fishing in freezing temperatures much more challenging. I’m not talking about relatively sedentary varieties like ice fishing, where you can sit in a heated ice house or shanty, but rather open-water fishing, often in a boat. As a result of my experiences, here are 10 strategies I’ve learned for maintaining the maximum amount of body heat and comfort.
BRAvo — Thanks for All of the Support
As I get ready to pack my clothes for my trip to El Salto, Mexico, in 10 days, 22 hours and 45 minutes (but who’s counting) I need to make sure to pack the right undergarments. You guys may not understand this, but having the wrong bra for any activity can make for an uncomfortable day.
(Not) Model-Sized: A Shorts Story
Only recently have clothing manufacturers started seriously catering to female anglers. While it seems that guys can just grab a “medium” or “large” or “3XL” and slide into them, female bodies are more complicated than that. We have totally different combinations of butts, boobs, torsos, legs and shoulders. That makes us interesting, but it also makes it hard to find universal fits.
All Good in Da Hood
You know that warm feeling you get when you get in your car and the sun has been beating down on the dash? To me, that is absolute heaven. I love it. I hate being cold.
Support Small Business -- Evergreen Fishing Travel Gifts
It’s no secret that many small businesses – especially those in the fishing and travel industries – are hurting now. If you’re like me, you want to see the ones who support us emerge from this disaster as unscathed as possible.
All Tied Up
I’ve had long hair for a long time, and I love it, but sometimes it’s a pain. It takes a long time to wash and dry, it requires all kinds of “product” and if you’re not careful when you go for a boat ride you’ll end up with knots or looking like Medusa. These are the problems that confront lady anglers (or Seth Feider).