Carl Vicars, Grand Slam Hitter

Carl Vicars with a Cubera Snapper in Panama

Alex Rodriguez holds the major league record for grand slams with 25.

Don Mattingly (1987) and Travis Hafner (2006) tied for the single season record, with six apiece.

I don’t know which of those marks is most impressive, but it’s indisputable that chicks dig the long ball – and big fish – and none of those three big-leaguers matched the achievement of our friend Carl Vicars. With his visit to Casa Vieja Lodge this past November, Carl became the first person to visit all four Half Past First Cast properties. Here’s what he had to say, fresh off catching 60+ sailfish over three days.

If you’d like to start a four-stop journey of your own, feel free to reach out to us via email. We are happy to provide information about:

Carl and Lisa Vicars hiking in Alaska Bristol Bay

How’d You Meet Your Angler? Pieces of Reeses


How’d You Meet Your Angler? The Cherries on Top