How’d You Meet Your Angler? - Bryan and Ashleigh Schmitt
Last summer Pete and I were invited to fish with Elite Series pro Bryan Schmitt (and his son and mate Dylan) on his Chesapeake Bay charter boat the Miss Ashleigh. Captain Bryan gave us the rundown of the boat and the day and from there on forward Dylan stole the show. I could just tell this was a really nice family and wanted to learn more about the woman for whom the boat was named. Bryan is a really accomplished angler but his relationship with his wife, Ashleigh, and their two kids, may be even more impressive.
HPFC: Can you share the story of how you and your husband first crossed paths?
Ashleigh Schmitt: Bryan and I both went to Oakland Mills High School in Columbia, Maryland. He was two years older and we knew of each other but didn’t start dating until the summer after I graduated in 2001. We officially met at a mutual friend’s house party. I remember it like it was yesterday. He was tall and handsome and our eyes kept locking from across the room. I loved the way he talked and the wild stories he told. The first question I asked him was, “Seriously, where are you from?” I had never met anyone like him. We were inseparable from that night on for the next two years. On our first official date he took me to Wilde Lake to fish. He was so impressed and confused that I wanted to tie my own baits on and cast myself. I remember him saying, “Dang girl, who are you? Why do you know so much about fishing?” We spent all day laughing and fishing and I explained to him that my father, Frank Carver, was a successful charter boat Captain on the Chesapeake Bay and I loved to fish. He replied, “Oh, you think you’re ready for the Potomac?”
HPFC: What were your initial impressions when you first met him?
Ashleigh Schmitt: Bryan says his initial impression of me was “Home.” I know exactly what he means. Bryan has always made me feel safe and secure to be myself. Also, I love holding his hand still to this day.
HPFC: What did you know about fishing when you first met?
Ashleigh Schmitt: My father and grandfather are fishermen. I loved spending time on the water. My Dad, Frank Carver, runs Loosen Up Charters on the Chesapeake Bay out of Deale, Maryland. I used to mate with my grandfather, Senior, in the summer.
HPFC: What did you know about professional bass fishing before you met?
Ashleigh Schmitt: I didn’t know much about professional bass fishing. When Bryan and I first got together I was 18 and he was 20. He saved up for his first bass boat and started entering small local tournaments in the area.
HPFC: Was there a specific moment or event that made you realize your feelings were more than just friendship?
Ashleigh Schmitt: That first summer night in 2001 at our friend Homie’s basement party. I knew instantly that one day I would marry that tall guy with the country accent.
HPFC: How long have you been married?
Ashleigh Schmitt: We got married March 17th, 2012. Bryan and I dated on and off for ten years before we got married. We both dated other people but always came back to each other. Bryan remembers I would always call him on Thanksgiving and other holidays when we were apart to make sure he had somewhere to eat. We have been married almost 13 years and have been blessed with two beautiful children, Dylan, and Olivia.
HPFC: What was his profession when you met?
Ashleigh Schmitt: When we met Bryan was a banquet server at the Marriott hotel. After I introduced him to my father, he started mating on the Loosen Up. I remember the first time we broke up Bryan said he would quit working for my father. I knew how much he loved fishing and told him not to quit. I told him I would never get in the way of his dreams. Bryan and my father are very close and work together running rockfish charters on the Bay. Bryan has a charter boat, the Miss Ashleigh, and now our 11-year-old son Dylan mates on the boat. Bryan works 7 days a week year-round. When he is home from fishing the Elites, he is running charters. I am very proud of how hard Bryan works and I see that same work ethic in our son. I work in the special ed department at Oakland Mills High School, where Bryan and I both graduated from.
HPFC: How did the two of you come to terms with him going out and living his dream of becoming a professional bass angler?
Ashleigh Schmitt: I have always encouraged and supported Bryan’s dream to be a professional bass fisherman. I remember watching the Bassmaster Classic on tv when we were dating and Bryan saying, “One day I’m going to be on that stage and I need you by my side.” It has not been an easy road to get there, especially with some challenges along the way. But Bryan has my full support, no matter what. It is important to me for him to know I am handling everything at home while he is traveling so he doesn’t have to worry.
HPFC: What doubts might you have had with him going on tour and how did you overcome them?
Ashleigh Schmitt: I was nervous in the beginning about the time away from the family. Our son had some medical problems and the first few years I went to a lot of appointments alone. It wasn’t always easy being away from Bryan. He has always made me feel safe and secure so I would say it was an adjustment. We work hard to make the family time count when he is in town. I have a large supportive family and that really helps.
HPFC: What challenges or obstacles did you have to work through?
Ashleigh Schmitt: Bryan has worked his way up from the bottom with nothing and it’s incredible to stop and think of where he came from and I admire his drive. When we were first together, he joined a local fishing club, the Maryland Tri-County Hog Hunters. He learned a ton about local tournament fishing and was hooked.
HPFC: How do you manage the frequent separation and limited time together due to his on the road schedule?
Ashleigh Schmitt: I like to take care of as much of the business and paperwork side of things so Bryan can have a clear head and go fishing. We FaceTime often so the kids can talk to him while he is on the road. We can’t make it to many tournaments, but when we get to go, it’s magical. It is such an awesome thing to experience and be a part of.
HPFC: How do you adjust when your husband returns home after being away for weeks at a time practicing or from competitions?
Ashleigh Schmitt: Honestly, we have figured out that it is best if we don’t overwhelm Bryan as soon as he gets home. I try to have things in order so it’s a smooth transition for him and for us.
HPFC: Are there any activities or special events that you and your husband enjoy doing when you are together after he has been gone all season?
Ashleigh Schmitt: We love to fish together as a family when we can find the time. Bryan usually goes straight back to running charters and doesn’t take a day off. Our son Dylan mates with him so he is usually the one filling Bryan in on everything he missed on the Chesapeake Bay. Our daughter Olivia is 4 and Bryan usually has a little surprise for her to open when he returns from the tournaments. I make a big dinner at home the first night. We love to go out to dinner so we usually plan for that the second night he is home.
HPFC: Do you have any pet peeves?
Ashleigh Schmitt: Bryan makes this weird loud sound when he’s trying to clear his throat that drives me nuts. (which is why he always looks at me when he does it).
HPFC: What do you think your husband’s pet peeves are of you?
Ashleigh Schmitt: He always says it takes me too long to brush my teeth. For some reason it drives him crazy.
HPFC: What are your retirement plans?
Ashleigh Schmitt: We are saving to get some land and build a house and big shop. One day Bryan would love to have a vacation home on Lake Champlain. I love the beach so in a dream world, a beach house would be nice. We live in Deale, Maryland and love this small town. Eventually, I would love to retire from teaching and I can see Bryan fishing forever.
HPFC: What is something off the wall that no one knows about the two of you.
Ashleigh Schmitt: Bryan proposed on July 3rd, 2011, under the fireworks at Chesapeake Beach, Maryland.