Meet Carl and Lisa Vicars

Lisa Vicars of Chattanooga on vacation in Panama

Part of the fun of traveling to distant fishing destinations, especially ones that we’ve visited before, is living those experiences through others’ eyes. We were very fortunate on our recent trip to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge to be joined by Tennesseans Carl and Lisa Vicars. Although we have mutual friends, we’d never met or even corresponded before. Carl saw a post that I made on Bass Boat Central, reached out, and booked two spots the next day. Making that even more impressive, it was their first time out of the country. You wouldn’t have known it from their actions, though. They were confident and enthusiastic travelers, great to share a boat with, and our great group of eight would not have been nearly as fun without them. They even own a crazy Australian Shepherd like our own

Tennessee Angler Carl Vicars

We hope that this first experience in international fishing travel convinces them to do more of it – preferably with us. 

Carl has also become our tech and video guru. He’s put together some awesome compilations of his fishing exploits at home and in Florida. Check out what they produced post-Panama – it tells the story of our trip beautifully.


Panama November ’21: Great Trip, Great Group


Dave Mansue — The Stake Out