How’d You Meet Your Angler – Sonja and John Crews

Montage of images of John and Sonja Crews and family

I first met John Crews when I assisted at the PAA booth at the Toyota Texas Bass Classic back in 2008. I remember he was very quiet, knew a lot of people and was really nice. I recall that he talked to me about protein bars (long before they were a “thing”) and working out. He was very serious in his belief that professional anglers are athletes and also about his well-being. He put a lot of thought into what it would take to make him a premier angler, besides catching fish.

At the time, I didn’t know that he was recently married. Almost 17 years later, it’s clear that his wife Sonja is an essential part of his long-running success. I was excited that Sonja accepted my offer to participate in this series -- nosey me wanted to know about their extended “Crew” in my adopted state of Virginia.

HPFC: Can you share the story of how you and your husband first crossed paths?

Sonja Crews: John and I met through a mutual friend; I was actually working with the girlfriend (Karla) of John’s longtime friend Rick Hawkins, who he considers an older brother. John met Rick when he was 15, when he would fish with his cousin. Rick was pretty persistent about introducing John to me, so it eventually happened when John was coming through town one weekend (on his way to a fishing tournament, of course). John was just starting out in his professional fishing career and still living at home, in Jetersville, VA. He would stay with Rick and Karla often on his way to and from tournaments. We were briefly introduced at a work function and we both agreed to go have a double date the next evening. We had dinner at TGI Friday’s and came back to their house and watched Harlem Nights. LOL, so exciting!

HPFC: What were your initial impressions of John?

Sonja Crews: My initial impression of John was that he was easy to talk to, funny and of course good looking.

HPFC: Did you know anything about fishing when you first met?

Sonja Crews: The only thing I knew about fishing was my memories of my Dad and Grandpa going fishing every summer out in North Dakota.

HPFC: What about professional bass fishing?

Sonja Crews: I knew absolutely NOTHING about professional bass fishing before meeting John!

HPFC: Was there a specific moment or event that made you realize your feelings were more than just friendship?

Sonja Crews: Our relationship moved very slowly for the next year or so. We didn’t get to see each other very often because of his fishing schedule, so we were “dating” but not 100% committed until probably a year later. John was very patient and never had a second thought about dating me because of my son. I think our feelings came to light after knowing each other for about a year; we spent a few months apart and realized we wanted to be together in a committed relationship. We continued to date for about three more years before we were engaged.

HPFC: How long have you been married?

Sonja Crews: We have been married 20 years as of May 2025!

HPFC: How did the two of you come to terms with him going out and living his dream?

Sonja Crews: I have to admit, I was pretty naive about the world of being married to a professional fisherman. I sort of figured he would have that career for a while and then do something else. LOL, here we are, 25 years later! We just tried really hard not be away from each other for more than a few weeks at a time. When John was home, he was 100% committed to family and time together.

HPFC: What doubts might you have had with him being on the road?

Sonja Crews: It was definitely tough having him on the road so much; especially in the early years. We had to have strong faith and trust in each other for sure. Our oldest daughter, Myah was born in August 2007, so we had to “pick a date” to make sure he was in town for her birth. My parents, who were retired and doing a lot of traveling at the time (from western New York), would come and stay every few months to help out with the kids). When Myah was born, we decided that I would not go back to work and stay home with the kids. With John’s travel schedule, two young kids and no family in town to help, we decided that this was the best decision for us.

HPFC: What if any challenges or obstacles did you have to work through?

Sonja Crews: It was always really hard to see John go on the road, but you quickly adjust and learn to “do it all.” Sometimes when he would return, it was an adjustment all over again because of course he wanted to help. I traveled a little bit to his tournaments before Myah started school. We were lucky enough to be in California with him when he won his first BASS Elite tournament.

HPFC: How do you manage the frequent separation and limited time together due to his on the road schedule?

Sonja Crews: Our youngest daughter, Ivy ,was born in January 2012. My parents were scheduled to come and stay with us for a few months because John was getting ready to go on the road. Unfortunately, my Dad became ill and so they couldn’t travel. THAT was quite the adjustment, now with three young kids and no family in town to help. John was fishing in the Classic that year, but we were unable to go because Ivy was very small and we didn’t want to take any chances with flying, etc.

HPFC: How do you adjust when your husband returns home after being away for weeks at a time practicing or from competitions?

Sonja Crews: It’s funny because through the years, things become easier task wise when John is gone because the kids become more independent, but I would say emotionally, things become more difficult. Your kids aren’t as dependent on you, so you miss your spouse more. It never gets easier, it just changes through the years. And when John misses big events or holidays, you have to remind yourself that it’s just as tough on them not being able to be there.

HPFC: Are there any particular activities or special events that you and your husband enjoy doing when you are together after he has been gone all season?

Sonja Crews: John and I enjoy spending time with our kids of course when he gets home, there’s always something new happening with one of them. My son is now engaged to his high school sweetheart, so we have a wedding in 2025 to look forward to; our oldest daughter is getting ready to graduate from high school in May, so we are excited about her future and where she will go to college; and our youngest is in 7th grade and continues to excel in gymnastics, so that’s exciting, too. We try and take some time together just the two of us a few times a year. We also try and squeeze in date nights whenever possible. We enjoy traveling together and spending time on the water. We both enjoy fitness, and it’s a priority in our lives; we decided a long time ago that we need to give each other the space to do that.

HPFC: Do you have any pet peeves about John?

Sonja Crews: Pet peeve; we are both pretty easy going, but I am a typical paranoid passenger when he drives, lol. And my pet peeve is the way he drives!!

HPFC: What are your retirement plans?

Sonja Crews: I think our dream retirement is to be centrally located for our kids so that we can enjoy them and our grandkids for as long as possible; if it’s somewhere by the water, then that’s even better! Smith Mountain Lake or Florida, maybe.

HPFC: What is something off the wall that no one knows about the two of you?

Sonja Crews: Something off the wall that no one knows; we hold hands every night as we fall asleep.


Resources for Female Traveling Anglers


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