Female fly fishing guides at Bear Trail Lodge in King Salmon Alaska with three-time TTBC Champion Keith Combs of Huntington, TX

The People Who Inspire our Adventures

Through fishing we have met some unforgettable characters, and we want you to know them, too.

people Hanna Robbins people Hanna Robbins

Lisa Skelley’s Anglers Inn Addiction

On her latest trip to Anglers Inn Lake Picachos, Tennessee’s Lisa Skelley brought not only her perma-smile, but also her boyfriend Dwayne to celebrate a couple of life milestones. As always, it was an amazing adventure.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Why Hanna is a Great Fishing Partner

For many serious anglers, exotic fishing travel is primarily about the fishing itself. Yes, we give lip service to the food, culture, scenery and wildlife, but the rest of those factors can’t completely make up for it if you don’t have biting fish. Of course, it helps to have people along with a positive attitude, particularly the person or people with whom you’ll be sharing a boat.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Paul Fisler, Super Fan

Paul Fisler seems to pop up everywhere there is something bass-related going on. There are plenty of people who would like to marshal Elite Series events, attend seminars and mingle with the top pros, but Paul is one of the few who’s actually out there getting it done.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Tim Romano: Baring it All on the Fly

“I can see if my friend Tim is available,” Joe said. Indeed, Tim was available, and despite being the editor of one of the fly industry’s leading publications, he’s also a bass freak and a closet “gear head.”

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people Pete Robbins people Pete Robbins

Guides Who’ve Gone Above and Beyond

Fortunately, there are people for whom guiding is a way of life, and Hanna and I have been lucky to fish with a handful who’ve checked off all of the boxes for excellence. We’ve also been spoiled in terms of how much effort they put in.

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people Hanna Robbins people Hanna Robbins

We Are Family

There are plenty of places we vacation and it’s one-and-done. More and more, though, our travels have not just become about the places we go but the relationships we make. We’ve built a family around the globe.

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