
Pete Robbins Aaron Rygas Duncan Maccubbin fishing Anglers Inn Lake El Salto Mexico

I am sure you would be offended If someone called you a knucklehead.

In January of 2018, me and Pete and our longtime friends and travel buddies Duncan Maccubbbin and Amber Phillips traveled to Anglers Inn Lake El Salto on our bi-annual trip. The four of us get along so well.

We agree on a time to meet and we are always there early.

We can agree on restaurants, as long as it is Mexican.

We can fish with each other: Hanna and Pete, Amber and Duncan, Pete and Amber, Amber and Hanna, Hanna and Duncan, Duncan and Pete, and everyone comes back alive with epic stories.

We all have the same humor.

Before traveling, I told Duncan and Amber that this couple, Aaron and Kristine Rygas (she was Kristine Stewart at the time………..future blog to follow) from southwestern Virginia were going to join the group this year. I assured them they seemed cool and would fit in but I know they were hesitant to believe my judgement. Why mess with a good thing?

On the morning of Texas to Mexico leg of the trip, Pete and I were eating breakfast and I get a text from Aaron: “We’re here, we’re starving, tell us where to meet y’all.”

Coffee, pancakes (back when I was eating carbs) and lots of laughs it was off to introduce the others.

It just so happens that Duncan, Amber, Kristine and Aaron sat near each other on the plane. I thought I heard raucous laughter in the rear of the plane but who would be so rude and bother others? When Amber caught up to me on the walk to customs she said, “OMG, they are great! They fit right in! I love them! Did you hear us laughing?”

Told ya so!!

The six of us hit it off. In order to write this blog, I actually had to look up the date we met the Rygases was because I feel like they have been in our lives for years.

The six of us don’t live particularly close to each other which is a shame. I know I would like to hang out more often than just on our Mexico trips.

Every day since our January trip, and I mean daily, we wake up to some sort of GIF, on Facebook Messenger, from Aaron (the GIF king) and the banter goes on until bedtime. And thank goodness, like I mentioned previously, we all have, or can endure, the same humor.

One day, without explanation (because none was necessary), the name of our Messenger group hanged to “Knuckleheads” (titled by head knucklehead himself, Duncan).

You might be offended if called a knucklehead, but I am proud and feel loved to be called a Knucklehead.

Hanna Robbins Kristine Rygas Amber Phillips fishing Lake El Salto Mexico. redhead, brunette, blonde. one of each


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