Join Us at Grosse Savanne

Pete and Hanna Robbins holding bass at Grosse Savanne

I’ve been bass fishing at Grosse Savanne, just south of Lake Charles, Louisiana, two separate times and both times we’ve absolutely whacked ‘em – 100 fish a day, no true giants, but lots in that 2-4 pound class.  

What’s crazy about it is we haven’t even been there at the best time of year. We went once in October, under horrible cold front conditions. Then we returned this past September (our second trip was confined to a particular period because we wanted to hunt alligators, too. They warned us that fishing would be tough. It was not. 

That’s not to say that it couldn’t be tough on a future trip, but we’re trying to hedge against that by going back in the springtime, when the fish should be healthiest and most aggressive. For those of you who choose not to go to Mexico with us because it’s too far, requires a passport, or for some other reason, I urge you to join us on this trip. 

We’re headed there in late May, and we’ve reserved a bunch of spots for our group. You can fish for bass, for saltwater species (redfish, trout, flounder) or both. You can probably even do both in the same day. The accommodations are tremendous, the food is even better. 

It’s easy to get there, too. We can help you arrange flights. We fly into Houston and then drive 2+ hours essentially due east. There’s also an airport in Lake Charles itself. If you’re driving, using Lake Charles as your destination point, here are some driving distances: 

  • Houston (IAH): 171 miles

  • Shreveport: 187 miles

  • New Orleans: 205 miles

  • Jackson, MS: 299 miles

  • San Antonio: 339 miles

  • Dallas: 342 miles

  • Little Rock: 367 miles

  • Tulsa: 504 miles

  • Memphis: 508 miles

  • Birmingham: 524 miles

  • Nashville: 713 miles

  • Kansas City: 736 miles 

We’re happy to help you get there at any time, but if you join us on this particular trip, we’ll provide a little lagniappe – that’s a Cajun-French term that means “something added” or “a bonus.” We’ll have lure packs, prizes, and other forms of swag.  

So if you’ve been itching to take a destination fishing trip, but can’t pull the trigger on international travel, or you just want an awesome weekend fishing getaway, I promise this is for you. Email me and I can fill you in on the details.

Pete Robbins and Dennis Tietje with two Louisiana bass

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