The Travel Blog

Exotic fishing travel may be our driving passion, but we love a good road trip just the same. It’s all about leaving work behind, seeing new things and expanding our horizons.. Each new trip is a chance to catch new species and meet people who make us more complete.

Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

27 Hours of Hell: A Love Letter to American Airlines

Our trip home from El Salto was scheduled for an otherwise innocuous weekend that turned out to be one of the worst travel experiences of our lives. We were scheduled to travel home on American Airlines, leaving three hours to transfer our bodies and our luggage in Dallas, but we unknowingly stumbled into a minefield --- American canceled over 400 flights and we were caught up in the chaos.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Guatemala: Worth the Hassle, Worth the Wait

Part of the reason that we chose Guatemala for our winter getaway was the ease of travel. Of course, in the era of COVID – and in the world of the Robbins family generally – there always seem to be complications.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Is it Safe to Travel to Guatemala During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

As our trip to Guatemala approached, several family members urged us to postpone the trip, but in the end we decided that our health and risk tolerance weighed in favor of going ahead as planned. Guatemala has required a recent negative COVID test to enter for several months, but only recently did the CDC require one for reentry into the United States. That meant getting our brains swabbed twice, but 10 seconds of discomfort versus 40-plus sailfish seemed like a fair trade.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Ten Things I Liked About the Casa Vieja Experience

Casa Vieja Lodge can’t control the weather or the fishing — although both have been exceptional each time we’ve visited — but they’re very conscious to knock it out of the park when it comes to variables they can control.

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