
Dreamer Doer workout shirt

I’m typically not one to make resolutions but I am very goal-oriented.

I also love checklists. I love the satisfaction of crossing off “to do’s” and I will do something that isn’t written on the checklist, then write it down just to check it off.

I realized that the workout shirt I wore for the first workout of this new year read: “Dreamer Doer”

It started me thinking about a few items I want to accomplish this year:

Nikon camera for fishing travel
  • Exercise three to four times a week to keep in fishing shape (I suppose that’s not a dream but a necessity).

  • Add as much content as possible to the Half Past First Cast Instagram page to show everyone what we have to offer. Check it out daily, you never know what might strike your interest.

  • Start researching and planning a trip to catch GTs (Giant Trevally) -- one of the many bucket list trips Pete and I both have on our agenda. I I would love for you to join so start saving and look for updates. (See Pete’s post – January’s Resolution: Don’t Wait).

  • Travel more in 2021, as soon as it is deemed safe, so we can see more of the world, fish and meet more people that share our interests. This will give you a chance to see how much fun we are having and hop on the bus the next time around. Our planned trips for 2021, assuming nothing gets in our way:

  • Hit 1,000 likes by end of year on Instagram. Please share our posts and refer people our way.

  • Research best beginner fly rod and reel combinations and decide whether to purchase my own fly equipment. With this I will need to learn how to rig my equipment and then find a pond/river/lake and fish. If you have any suggestions send them my way. Anyone want to go fishing?

  • Learn to take better photographs to entice viewers and have them want to travel with Half Past First Cast. (Would love for a viewer to tell me it was my pictures that had them travel to one of these amazing destinations).

  • Continue to spread the word about travel, gear, stuff we like and all the interesting and unique people we meet.

colorful fly rod and reel

Please share your resolutions or goals for the year in the comments section or on our Facebook page. Perhaps we have some of the same and can get together to achieve them. If I don’t know you, let’s meet and find out how much we have in common.

Happy New Year and here’s a thought for you: You have to be a dreamer in order to be a doer.


Bigfoot vs. Godzilla


Pez Dispenser