Introducing Wetlands USA – Shirts for Every Fish Species You Can Imagine

Wetlands USA fishing t-shirts spf sustainable

Since starting this site three years ago, we’ve been amazed at the number of clothing options that allow anglers to show off their favorite species. Not only can you get quality fishing clothes, but much of the artistry is world-class as well. Typically, however, a given manufacturer or artist will specialize in one area – perhaps bass or salmonids or billfish or other saltwater species. At this year’s Bassmaster Classic Expo, we found a company which brings them all under one umbrella. If you’ve caught it, or intend to catch it, there’s a pretty good chance that Wetlands USA artist Rory Hilton Todd has inked it.

You couldn’t miss their wood-paneled booth situated right as you walked into the Expo at Knoxville’s convention center, but the first thing that truly caught my eye was the beautiful butterfly peacock bass on an SPF shirt. That drew me in and we started a conversation. Check out their story in the video below:

I left with a roosterfish shirt that I’ll treasure – even if I cannot wait until my next trip to Panama to break it out – and we hope to invest in some more of this wearable art in the future. Wetlands USA has some big plans, and we’ll do our best to keep you informed.

Pete Robbins with a Roosterfish caught in Panama in 2021 and a matching shirt from WetlandsUSA

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