Stuff We Like Inspired by our Travel
Fishing should be fun. Part of that is art and food and other things that don't put fish in the boat, but nevertheless make you enjoy the process more.
Introducing Wetlands USA – Shirts for Every Fish Species You Can Imagine
We’re amazed at the number of clothing options that allow anglers to show off their favorite species. Typically, however, a given manufacturer or artist will specialize in one area. At the Bassmaster Classic, we found a company which does them all. If you’ve caught it, or intend to catch it, there’s a pretty good chance that artist Rory Hilton Todd has inked it.
Throwback Shirts for the Hungry and Thirsty Angler
I’m a big fan of fishing t-shirts – I have over 50 of them – particularly if they somehow incorporate a pop culture reference. I’m also a big fan of food, so any time I can combine all of those interests into one comprehensive package it makes me pretty happy. Here are a few of the best ones I’ve seen.