Tee of the Week: Biggest.Lie.Ever.
For years we’ve been told through t-shirts, bumper stickers, and other motivational paraphernalia (wearable or otherwise) that “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.”
I don’t know who came up with this theory, or which lobbying entity is pushing for it to become our sport’s slogan, but if you believe it, then you’ve been hoodwinked. Or maybe you’ve just never actually been fishing.
Along with my share of good ones, I’ve had plenty of bad days of fishing. I mean, really bad ones. Perhaps not of the “worst ever” caliber, but pretty close. Broken equipment. Horrible weather. Injuries. High costs, low catch rates.
At the same time, while I go to work because they won’t pay me if I don’t, over the course of the past 30 or so years I’ve had some pretty good days at the office – rewards, accolades, even fun.
Arguing that the former may have been better than the latter is just stupid. So throw away your cliched “Bad day of fishing is better than….” shirts. If you have to wear something in that category, consider one of the options below: