Down the Tubes — Secrets to Keeping Big Bait Fresh

Tuna Tube at Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge

In the bass world we rarely use anything other than artificial lures, so the world of bait is typically an afterthought. I’ve done enough crappie fishing, walleye fishing and Florida-style shiner fishing to have some ideas about keeping your bait fresh, but what do you do if you’re presenting something bigger than an average Sabine River tournament keeper? 

The captains we’ve fished with in places like Guatemala and Panama have a device in their boats specifically aimed at addressing this issue – so whether you’re chasing marlin, big tuna, roosterfish or some other salty creature, you’ll always have the proper temptation.


Three Must-Have Lures for the Tidal James and Chickahominy Rivers


Swimbaits as a Cranking Substitute in Mexico