The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Three New Items I’m Taking to Guatemala – February 2023
I technically don’t need to purchase another item of anything but I’m going on another Half Past First Cast adventure to Guatemala and of course I’ve added a few new retail therapy efforts to make the trip even more memorable.
Preparing for the Guatemala Bait-and-Switch
The great thing about trolling for sailfish is that you can be as involved as you want. The captains and mates at Casa Vieja Lodge are happy to instruct you, and also to let you take control of the “bait and switch.” Alternatively, you can just reel in one sailfish after another. In all likelihood you’ll probably live somewhere in between those two extremes.
Down the Tubes — Secrets to Keeping Big Bait Fresh
The captains we’ve fished with in places like Guatemala and Panama have a device in their boats specifically aimed at keeping big bait fresh – so whether you’re chasing marlin, big tuna, roosterfish or some other salty creature, you’ll always have the proper temptation.
Through a Different Lens
Despite having spent a lot of time on boats over the years, I’ve only been seasick once, and it was a feeling I hope never to experience again. At the same time, there are plenty of big water species I want to chase, and I know that at some point I’ll be in position to get ill again.
A Better Kind of Patch Pirate
I’ve been on oceangoing boats dozens of times over the years, and I’ve been seasick once, which was enough to know that I never want to experience that again. On a later trip I was out in rougher conditions and did not get sick, so I don’t know what triggered that one bad episode.
Penis Envy
I’m 100 percent happy to be a woman, but I must admit that there are certain advantages to being a man. I mean, you have no “time of the month” and, as my husband says, “the whole world is your urinal.” I’ve always wondered what it would be like to (as Elaine said on Seinfeld) “walk around with one of those things.”