The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Hanna’s Not-Unreasonable Clothing Choices for Lake El Salto in June
Yesterday I provided a video demonstrating how Pete picked his clothing for our upcoming trip to Anglers Inn Lake El Salto trip. Great picks but I have no idea how he can take so little, even if they do daily laundry. I brought a few more items.
Pete’s El Salto Clothing Selection – June 2024
Pete has carefully selected every piece of apparel he needs for a week of fishing in Mexico – trying to minimize the quantity to maximize how much tackle he can pack. Surprisingly he has packed mix and match pieces that all go together, including antimicrobial underwear, comfortable shoes and a just-in-case rain jacket.
Three More Zoom Baits That Will Make Packing Easier for Your Next Mexican Bass Trip
I recently took an opportunity to look through the Zoom lineup with an eye toward packing for Mexico. I reencountered several lures that’ll do double-duty on your next trip, and which therefore you should consider.
Stock up on Mexican Bass Staples at Tackle Warehouse This Weekend
Tackle Warehouse is running a sale this Memorial Day weekend that includes many of the product that we recommend you always bring to Lake El Salto or Lake Picachos. There are plenty of other good deals on offer, but these are some of our proven winners and right now the price is right.
Prepare a Fishing Bug Out Bag
If you regularly travel to the same places to fish, prepare a “go bag” that’s filled with the tackle you need, all in one place. Check out the one I’ve packed for El Salto and Picachos.
Packing Reels for Lake El Salto May 2023
After 20 fishing trips to Mexico, I’ve learned that packing an adequate supply of the right reels can make for a more productive trip. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for choosing, but make sure they’re in tiptop shape. I’ve had the opportunity to utilize an incredibly wide range of reels — here’s my selection for May/June 2023.
New Lures and New Approaches for El Salto – May/June 2023
We’re headed back to El Salto for a week at the end of this month. We’ve been going multiple times a year for a decade-plus, and we’ve narrowed down the lures that we’re most likely to use, but I still reserve some time each trip to work in new possibilities. Here are four new lures that are already packed and ready to go.