The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
All of the Multi-Piece Rods Available from Tackle Warehouse (Updated Spring 2023)
Tackle Warehouse, the most well-stocked online retailer in the U.S., continues to expand their supply of multi-piece rods in recent years as U.S. manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon. If you’re looking to buy one (or more), they keep an incredible amount of inventory in stock, and if your need to travel has arisen suddenly you can generally get the rod in a day or two for a fairly minimal upcharge.
My 2023 Bassmaster Classic Expo Experience
Since 2010, I’d always been on the water during the Bassmaster Classic competition days, often an hour away from the downtown arena, which meant that I essentially never got to visit the Expo. For a tackle junkie like me, that’s a particularly cruel punishment. This year,I got to wander the Expo for a couple of hours each day.
Six New Items for Traveling Anglers at Tackle Warehouse
I’m unrepentant about the fact that I peruse the Tackle Warehouse “New Items” tab daily and still order far more gear than I can ever use in a lifetime – although I’ll die trying. Here are six of the most intriguing items for traveling anglers that they’ve added recently.
More Great Finds for Traveling Anglers from ICAST 2021
The ICAST show always has a deep bench of products that might not win awards but nevertheless demonstrate staying power. Here are four more from the 2021 show in Orlando that I believe will benefit the traveling angler.