Casting Bonds – Jennifer Combs and Roy Reid

Father daughter trip to Anglers Inn Lake El Salto Mexico

I know that Jennifer Combs comes from a fishing family but when she told me her parents had her in a crib on their boat when she was still in diapers, I thought she was kidding. That’s taking fishing a little over the top.

On this year’s El Salto trip I finally got to ask her father, Roy Reid, whether it was true. It turns out that it was 100% legit.

How did she get her Dad to finally accompany her to her favorite place? She told him, “You like to fish. You like to catch big fish. You really need to come.” The logic was simple and convincing.

Here’s his post-trip analysis:

Fishing at Anglers Inn with your parent is EPIC and beyond memorable. Whether you’re the mom, dad, son or daughter, contact us and let’s get you on a trip of lifetime to Anglers Inn Lake Picachos and/or El Salto to create new family memories.


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