GTs: Pop Your Top

giant trevally chasing sooty tern birds bbc video

I’ve repeatedly made it clear on various websites that fishing the flats for giant trevally with big poppers is at the top of the top of my list of bucket list experiences. Until then (or perhaps never) I will not be getting a GT tattoo, nor will I be spending a thousand bucks apiece on high-quality popping rods and reels – but a hat might be a more reasonable expenditure.

Whether you call them giant trevally, GTs, geets, or (the Hawaiian) ulua, these mythical fish hold a special place in the imagination of just about every traveling angler. Here are a few ways to show that passion, whether you’ve tussled with them or not.

Ocean Souldiers, an outfitter and clothing company, offers this badass colorful version

Ocean Souldiers GT geet hat colorful

Hawaii Hat Company has their own camo trucker version

Hawaii Hat Company camo trucker GT geet

And Maui’s 808 Clothing Company offers their own take on the tribal drawing

Maui 808 clothing company tribal geet gt hat

Florida’s GT Ice Cream lure company, which utilizes South African lure innovations, reps their brand

Geet Ice Cream GT hat south african lures

Australia’s Elite Fishing Tackle, has their own take on the tribal artwork

Australia Elite FishingTackle Tribal GT headwear trucker hat Geet

And the concept of GT Fight Club is brilliant

Geet GTFC.fight club hat trevally


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