Six Random Fishing Items That Need to Be Shared With the World

Ace Ventura Finkle Einhorn

Sometimes I find things on the internet (because, let’s face it, I’m on that sucker a lot) that need to be shared with the readers of Half Past First Cast but might not merit a blog of their own. Our industry is loaded with creative minds, and many of them are working semi-tirelessly producing products that appeal to me – which in turn means that they might appeal to you. I would be downright negligent if I didn’t occasionally lump a few together and package them in a single place where you can enjoy the fruits of my efforts. Here are six favorites:

Stranded at Sea  Laces Out Trucker

Stranded at Sea

Laces Out Trucker

You know the movie, right?

Abel Fly Reel  Custom Finish  Peacock Bass

Abel Fly Reel

Custom Finish Peacock Bass

Dorado and arapaima are pretty cool, too, but three bar peacocks are something special

Prime Gancho  Trucha Libre

Prime Gancho

Trucha Libre Shirt

This one’s dedicated to my friend Trey Reid, king of fly fishing and cheese dip

Angelsport (Germany)  Perchzilla Hoodie

Angelsport (Germany)

Perchzilla Hoodie

Because I can think of nothing scarier than a perch big enough to attack a city

Derek DeYoung  71” Sailfish mounted painted like a brook trout

Derek DeYoung

71” Sailfish mount

painted like a brook trout

“Is it a floor wax? Is it a dessert topping? You’re both right!”


A Face Made for Radio


Bad Music = Better Bass Fishing?